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[Complete] [CW] Rule Breaker
Cpl John Blacke 133765

115 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022

John nodded as Tristan spoke and watched as miss Wells did the medication. He nodded when miss Wells spoke "ive saw similar out in India aswell. I'm no doctor but I've seen it"

John looked at Tristan "your lucky I didn't knock you out when you came through the door brandishing a firearm" he said with a smirk and then offered his hand "I don't believe I've made your aquantiance before. Corporal John Blacke. 3rd battalion Price of Wales Yorkshire Regiment. At your service" he said with a smile
Posting Freak

761 Posts
12 Threads

Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020

He was reluctant to get any closer, as if there was an invisible circle around the three which he could not enter without committing an act of sacrilege. But when his sister mentioned the fever, he forced his heavy feet into motion. Quietly, he sat down on the bedside and placed a hand on Pippa’s forehead to feel her fever.

“It’s not every day I hear a stranger in my home, Corporal Blacke,” was the politest answer he could give the intruder. He was too much occupied with his patient to notice the extended hand. He took Pippa’s wrist and took out his pocket watch to take her heart rate. He turned to his sister to ask her more about Pippa’s state, but seeing her, he asked instead: “Are you unwell too, Nel?”
Senior Member

360 Posts
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Pronouns: She, her
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Sep 2020

Pippa was warmer than she had been and was mumbling incoherantly by the time Tris rested his hand on her head. She silenced as soon as the medicine started taking effect. "No. I am fine," said Pen as she wiped her hands on her skirt.

Pippa finally rested.
[Image: Pippa1.png]
Cpl John Blacke 133765

115 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022

John said nothing but watched the exchange. He didn't say a word but watched the interaction between the 3 of them. He knew pippa wasn't right. He'd seen this kind of behaviour and body language before when he was serving overseas.

He spoke once more "I apologise. I popped over to see Philippa and was chatting with your sister in the kitchen when we heard Phillipa so we both came up to help her before you arrived"
Posting Freak

761 Posts
12 Threads

Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020

Tristan put his pocket watch away and nodded at his sister.

The young man's explanation ought to make him furious. He should probably send his sister home over it. As it was, he merely registered that Penelope had let a stranger into his house without his permission. A young man, at that, whom she had entertained in the kitchen. He knew it was wrong. He was to tired for a response.

He turned around to face the young corporal. "I appreciate you trying to help, Mr. Blacke. I would offer you a drink, but it is late and I need to examine Pippa and speak with my sister. Would you return tomorrow at four, so we can speak at leisure?" Leisure was a strong word perhaps for what was to come tomorrow.

52 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Secretary
Height: 5'6"
Registered: Nov 2021

She was tired and knew she was in for an earful as it was... But she wondered what he would say knowing she would become a governess... She was glad for the fact it would be a secret as to the mother and she could be vague. She was glad she had a situation ready almost... She would not be able to stay too long. Hopefully Pippa would be well enough in a few days. She was going to tell him as soon as the man left.

"I will get your food ready, I made soup and there is bread." Her words were soft and genuinely sad sounding. She knew nothing of the truth but Pippa needed them. As she left the room, she paused and reached out to touch Tris on the arm in a gesture of love and empathy because he looked sad too. Then she quietly left the two men, pausing to gesture to John in silent communication that said he should head out so Tris could care for Pippa in peace.

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