Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Secretary
Height: 5'6"
Registered: Nov 2021
(CW just in case)
She had just finished the soup, her belly rumbling at the smell of it. It wasn't as good as what she tasted, so she adjusted until it tasted acceptable, not knowing if Pippa would even care at this point. She could not say what was missing but it would be figured out another time. As far as the bread went, she burned her last attempt so she had simply bought enough for the next few days. It would be just fine in soup when stale.
She put the lid back on the pot and went upstairs to the attic to check on Pippa, who she found deeply asleep and she wasn't about to disturb the girl. Once she got back to the kitchen, she began to serve a bowl to herself along with some bread.
Cpl John Blacke 133765
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022
Something wasn't sitting right with john and he knew something was up with Pippa. After the whole Gareth incident he has decided he needed to clear his head and went for a walk. He wasn't proud of his actions but it had to be done to protect his family and to protect Pippa.
He had walked the streets for a couple of hours when he came across a house he recognised and instantly knew it was where Pippa lived. He decided he would pay her a visit but his demons thought inside his head. Should he go up to the front door and knock? Should he turn away but he decided that it would be best to do a different approach. He would use the tradesman entrance.
He walked to the rear of the building and knocked on the door. When someone answered "excuse me ma'am, my name is John Blacke. Is Pippa home or available?"
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Secretary
Height: 5'6"
Registered: Nov 2021
When the knock came and she answered the door, she was surprised at first. "Ah, so you are her intended, eh? No wonder my brother was so rude about it. Good for Pippa," she said in approval. "But, alas, if I let you in, I could be given plenty of grief. Doctor Wells does not like to have his rules broken, even if they are wrong." She almost wished Tristan had walked up just then to overhear. But he was still gone for the moment. She wouldn't be like her brother, she thought. She would do as he seemed to hint at and leave, and then he would be alone and bitter, which it hurt for her to think of but she was tired of his snarling and quick temper. If he would just stop trying to hide within himself, she thought, he would understand love a lot better!
She had already packed her trunk with her least nescessary things anyway but refused to leave until Pippa was situated. She was very salty at the moment. She gestured for him to follow her to the kitchen first, and assuming he came in, she shut the door and led him that way. Penny then nodded toward a chair at the table, "Pippa is resting right now, asleep the last time I checked on her not moments before you arrived. She isn't well..." she sighed and pulled a few bowls out in a stack to set next to hers and only took one from the top to fill for the moment, then brought that to the table.
"It is rude to eat in front of you, so I insist you eat. I could use some help identifying the missing ingredient, it doesn't taste as good as what the innkeeper showed me. It's not bad otherwise." She smiled and sat across the table after grabbing the loaf of bread to break.
Cpl John Blacke 133765
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022
John followed the woman into the kitchen and sat down when she indicated the seat "she wasn't well the last time I saw her. How far along is she? The last time I saw her she was as white as a sheet so I helped her nausea and took her to get some food before she returned here"
John didn't want to say no the food that was being offered and greatfully accepted. He tucked into the food and took a piece of bread before his mind struck. "I know what's missing" he said as he got up from the table and picked up the pepper from the side of the work top. "This" he said with a sprinkle in his own soup before offering the pepper to Penelope. He once more spoke "I must say this soup is delicious"
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Secretary
Height: 5'6"
Registered: Nov 2021
She said, "It's... more than that, Mister Blacke," she murmured. "I am Miss Penelope Wells and I am the sister of Doctor Wells, by the way. Thank you for your compliment, I am new to this cooking. I had to get somebody to show me when I was out to market." She gave a deep sigh. "I probably don't have long to talk to you and I cannot promise to take you to her, but I can at least tell you what you should know before you marry her. Her mind has been meddled with by her situation, she has grown more and more worrisome over the last few weeks. I'm afraid she may have gone mad from grief. She has been seeing the man who she said killed her family but we cannot. As far as how far along, her belly is getting noticeable..."
She was so hungry that she ate almost as quickly as he. After about halfway, she looked to him and said, "If I let you see her, promise that you will be gentle with her feelings regardless of your intent." And then came the scream from upstairs. Penny's eyes widened and her spoon clattered to the table as she quickly grabbed the things her brother had instructed her to give the other. She was so distracted that she didn't say anything whilst fluttering about to find ways to comfort her friend. Then she stopped when she remembered and looked at him, "Promise or leave, Mister Blacke..."
Cpl John Blacke 133765
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022
John nodded his understanding "I understand miss Wells, I spent most of my career in India. Most things out there contain alot of spices so I've become used the taste and I understand what you mean about the cooking. The army rations were very bland so we learned to cook for ourselves"
John heard the scream. It was a sound he was familiar with from his time in India. He looked back to the woman "I give you my word miss Wells. As a soldier and a gentleman. I wish no harm to Pippa"
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Secretary
Height: 5'6"
Registered: Nov 2021
She nodded and soon led him up the stairs with quick but soft steps. By the time they got up, Pippa was tossing about restlessly, her face covered in a film of sweat from nightmare. Penny waved him in but lifted her finger to her lips to indicate silence for the moment. She set the things she'd taken up to administer, and she first moved over to check the girl's forehead. "She is feverish," she said softly.
Cpl John Blacke 133765
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022
John followed her up the stairs and didn't say a word. He followed her into the room and nodded when she put a finger to her lips. He took off his jumper and placed it over the side of her chair and knelt beside the bed. He looked at the sweat running down her and swapped sides around miss Wells. He wiped the sweat from her forehead before whispering. "How long has the fever been? I've seen fevers this bad over in India"
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Secretary
Height: 5'6"
Registered: Nov 2021
She looked over at him for a moment and her brow furrowed before she could turn her face toward her task. She didn't speak for a moment because she was ckearly gathering herself, perhaps even steeling up for what might come. The truth needed to be said, he had the right to know some things. "I do not know," she said with both anger for the situation, regret, and frustration. "She wilted more and more and wouldn't really speak much. She kept up with her duties up until yesterday or the day before.. hard to tell."
Pippa stirred, opening her eyes, though not because of them speaking, their tones were too hushed for it to be bothersome. Her expression was dazed.
Senior Member
Pronouns: She, her
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Sep 2020
09-26-2024, 07:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-26-2024, 07:34 PM by Philippa Danes.)
Pippa looked to and fro, her eyes darting as if searching, but then she sat up, the blanket falling away enough to show that swell of her belly. There was a distinct, several toned ringing in her ears, she couldn't focus on anything as it was foggy.
She sighed tiredly and just sort of plopped back. She tried to work her dry tongue about a sticky and dry mouth. She felt a gentle arm about her as Pen lifted her enough to press a cup of water to her lips. She almost sobbed with relief as the cool water eased her thirst. She sobbed when the water was pulled away and heard a muffled command through the awful whistling. "Please?" She bleated out. Then she heard, "Sips, or you will get sick, darling. I am with you, I promise. Can you sip?" Pippa nodded, then the cup was to her lips and she sipped.