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[Complete] new constabulary.....new beat [Doctors, Constabulary, and Court]

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah was a bit worried when Ruth hadn't returned. He had to get to work, and he was staring at two very small children, one was still a baby. He took a deep breath and got dressed. The tall man lifted both children into his arms and left the house.

"Don't worry, just keeping you both safe until your mom gets back. I'm sure if she sees me not here, she'll know to check the constabulary." He doubted they could even say that word, but he kept walking and keeping an eye out for a familiar figure in the crowd.

It was with pure disappointment that he reached work without seeing her, but he tried to keep a happy face up so the kids wouldn't worry or be sad. "If you can behave, I'll buy you something good to eat later, if your mom isn't here yet, alright?" He promised the boy, and he'd let the girl keep chewing on the cat toy he had.

When he walked in, he paused in surprise seeing someone new. Ah, they were getting someone in charge now. Immediately, his body froze up as he became nervous. He knew what the public and his coworkers said, how long would he remain in place with the way he worked? Would he be fired or worse for how he had been gentle on the Wards, Ben specifically? Did he notice how he almost never arrested anyone for mere indecency? Not to mention the articles in the paper before his vacation or the most recent thing in that trashy magazine!

A slow deep breath to calm himself before he flashed the man a smile and nodded his head. "Ah, sir.. I am constable Crane." His eyes dipped down to the children in his arms, "these aren't mine. I'm helping out a friend and she had to run.. she didn't get back before I had to come in to work and I couldn't just leave them..."

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RE: new constabulary.....new beat - by Elijah Crane - 05-21-2022, 03:43 PM

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