By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] new beat [Doctors, Constabulary, and Court] - Printable Version

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new beat [Doctors, Constabulary, and Court] - Alasdair Maclellan - 05-21-2022

It only been a few days since he had settled into the area and was getting ready for his first day on his new post, was it the right decision he thought? as he wiped the last spec of dust of his freshly polished buttons on his tunic. 

He looked at the badge on his cap as he slipped the tunic over his shoulders and fastened it up. what would his new team be like? would he be accepted? he made his way down the stairs of the police house he was given in the transfer. it still took a little bit of getting used to but luckily it was near the station and was big enough for him, his wife and his two kids.

He placed his cap on his head and walked to the station which was just along the road. it was a dry day and it was not a bad walk as he fumbled for the station door keys in his pocket. he heard the familiar sound of the door locks that could easily be identified as he turned the key to open. 

the station was what he expected it to be for a small station, office, reception, cells etc but he was more interested in hanging up his hat on the coat rack along with his greatcoat. he turned his back and sat down on the wooden chair and waited for the rest of the force to arrive

RE: new beat - Elijah Crane - 05-21-2022

Elijah was a bit worried when Ruth hadn't returned. He had to get to work, and he was staring at two very small children, one was still a baby. He took a deep breath and got dressed. The tall man lifted both children into his arms and left the house.

"Don't worry, just keeping you both safe until your mom gets back. I'm sure if she sees me not here, she'll know to check the constabulary." He doubted they could even say that word, but he kept walking and keeping an eye out for a familiar figure in the crowd.

It was with pure disappointment that he reached work without seeing her, but he tried to keep a happy face up so the kids wouldn't worry or be sad. "If you can behave, I'll buy you something good to eat later, if your mom isn't here yet, alright?" He promised the boy, and he'd let the girl keep chewing on the cat toy he had.

When he walked in, he paused in surprise seeing someone new. Ah, they were getting someone in charge now. Immediately, his body froze up as he became nervous. He knew what the public and his coworkers said, how long would he remain in place with the way he worked? Would he be fired or worse for how he had been gentle on the Wards, Ben specifically? Did he notice how he almost never arrested anyone for mere indecency? Not to mention the articles in the paper before his vacation or the most recent thing in that trashy magazine!

A slow deep breath to calm himself before he flashed the man a smile and nodded his head. "Ah, sir.. I am constable Crane." His eyes dipped down to the children in his arms, "these aren't mine. I'm helping out a friend and she had to run.. she didn't get back before I had to come in to work and I couldn't just leave them..."

RE: new beat - Alasdair Maclellan - 05-21-2022

Alasdair had been flicking through files on the desk for everyone on the force. he wasn't interested in politics or anything like that. he was interested in making it a better police force. this was why he came here, to run a station and make a community a better place.

Alasdair looked up at the constable coming into the station and noticed two kids in his peripheral vision. he smiled "dont sir me, i'm not an officer." and offered a handshake "Sergeant Alasdair MacLellan, Just transferred in from Perth and Kinross Constabulary up in the highlands" he casted his gaze to the kids before returning to Constable Crane, "thats completely fine, if the kids mother doesnt return, you will have to man the station if your looking after them and not go on the beat today"

we walked over to the large map of the area which was on the wall "fancy bringing me up to speed on current going ons?"

RE: new beat - Frances Cockburn - 05-21-2022

[[CW: Fanny’s analysis of the situation and, uh, ‘work’.]]

An apparently young man who shared a height and width with the new arrival stomped in. Stopped when Constable Cockburn saw Crane hemming and hawwing, which wasn’t unusual – but the new face was. Faces.

Huh. Did Crane actually manage to get it up multiple times? He acted like the type who would leave a brothel flaccid and crying.

Oh. Not his. Some cuckoo dropped them off in his nest – that made more sense.

Fanny headed for the backroom, mostly to check if there was anything new and exciting back there (but always on the premise of ‘taking inventory’, which rarely seemed up to date).

It looked like Crane had this sucker distracted. Whew!

RE: new beat - Elijah Crane - 05-21-2022

Crane looked relieved as the sergeant spoke. He gently placed Sam and reached out to shake his hand. "Ah, yes Sergeant Maclellan. Thank you for understanding the situation." He listened to the man and nodded and was about to speak when he saw a form slip by towards the back.

"Cockburn!" he called out. "Come meet the new sergeant." He thought it would be good for him to meet their new superior, it might help calm the man's antics. He was very rough, and maybe a better example than Roberts or himself was in order.

"Ah, as I was saying.. There has been disappearances, some unexplained deaths, a missing bicycle.." He went into as he walked towards the cabinet to cherry pick some files to hand over to give the man a chance to look at a few things they'd been going through.

RE: new beat - Alasdair Maclellan - 06-04-2022

Alasdair sighed. "Unexplained deaths and disappearances, that explains why there is a new inspector suppost to be coming and taking up space here in the next few weeks. Sadly I've no idea who but I intend to make sure we don't give him any ammunition to use against us"

He looked at Elijah "we need to sit and go through all these files and make sure we have crossed every single thing off. I'm not telling you guys how to do your job but I intend to keep the heat off everyone if there is any"

He looked through the door to Francis "and if there's anything in there that shouldn't be in there Constable Cockburn, make sure it disappears before someone goes snooping" he smirked "and if it puts a few coins in the Constables Christmas night out fund i know nothing about it"

RE: new beat - Frances Cockburn - 06-05-2022

Fanny made a face at the nice necklace she was about to steal when Crane called her out. It wouldn’t fit her, but it would fit a jeweler’s budget. She’d hesitated to take it in daylight because it was hefty, but it was now or never.

And then a voice from the heavens reached her.

She stuffed the necklace straight down her pants, bulging between her crotch and right thigh, before turning around.

“Dunno what you’re talking about, sir,” an apparently high-voiced young man answered him with a knowing look.

RE: new beat - Ruth Longbottom - 06-23-2022

"Crane!" Came an angry voice from the door. A young woman with a bruise on the side of her face stepped in. "Where are me -," She stopped and looked around. Well shoot. Crane wasn't alone anymore, and it wasn't even the pest who had stalked her yesterday. Two other constables she did not know. Perhaps her father had complained about an influx of coppers. She hadn't listened. Maybe she should have.

Sam got up and stumbled over to her and his baby sister began to cry.

Thank God the pest wasn't here, or he'd arrest her on the spot.

RE: new beat - Elijah Crane - 06-23-2022

Elijah nodded immediately. "I understand. I am glad to have the help, it's been building for a while. But I'm sure we can finally make a huge dent in this work." He wanted to think positively on having an inspector. It was a small town but a lot was going on, beyond stuff a simple constable can do on their own after a while.

"Should you be encouraging him? Francis is great at some things but.." telling him to get rid of things made the man worry important things could disappear too.

He might have said more but then someone came in. He looked surprised and relieved. "Ruth!" He walked towards her with the baby and said in a light voice, "Look! It's mama. " He then handed her over. "I am sorry, but I had to go to work. But I've taken care of them. You know I wouldn't let them out of my sight." He then oh'd and looked to Alasdair. "This is my friend, Ruth, sir. Ruth, this is my new sergeant Alasdair Maclellan."

RE: new beat - Alasdair Maclellan - 06-26-2022

Alasdair nodded at Crane "it will be alot easier soon, we've also got another Constable joining us from Strathclyde as a dog handler. He's coming down to help with the protests etc" he sighed "I will be truthful I've heard nothing of this new inspector. All I know is that he's headed here. No idea who is or what he's like but I intend to keep him off our back"

Alasdair smirked "we are only meant to keep stuff a maximum of 4 days. Everything else can go thats older than that. Its just taking space, gathering dust and Will create suspicion. Unless its related to an ongoing case. The rest goes.

Alasdair nodded "good morning ma'am pleasure to meet you"