By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] Answering Questions Only For More[Hotels, Pubs, and Accommodations] - Printable Version

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RE: Answering Questions Only For More - Tobi Zimmermann - 09-21-2024

She looked at him and then let out a long, weary sigh. "A man called Lord Gordon sent out a private investigator. I met with him and showed him a picture of Pippa and myself." She paused and pulled out a small photo. There they were, Pippa and Tobi, and it was clear that Pippa looked as if she was in love with her friend, it was about palpable to someone who noticed those things especially. Tobi seemed to look back in a similar manner in the picture.

The smile alone on Pippa's face said more than enough.

Even the way the picture was looking worn and sepia as if aged by many years instead of just one or two. The crease in the center told of her looking frequently, the browner area, a spot near Pippa's face, spoke of someone who carressed a picture dreamily.

Weather he took it or not, she looked down at the plate she had yet to really eat from, saying softly, "I need to see her, but not to her detriment..." Not just see, but hold, she thought.

RE: Answering Questions Only For More - Tristan Wells - 09-21-2024

Tristan's eyebrows shot up in astonishment when 'Lord Gordon' was mentioned. The earl had promised to have his man make some inquiries regarding Pippa's legal situation and connections in the States, but then urgent business had called him away, and Tristan had not managed to get in touch with him. It pleased him to hear that Lord Gordon had not forgotten his promise and that the inquiries had been fruitful.

There was no longer any doubt in his mind that Miss Zimmermann was speaking the truth. If there would have been, those would have been swept away by the photo that was now produced. He took it carefully and studied the two figures. He felt a pang of heartbreak for Pippa when he observed how different she looked, how happy, how young, how healthy and well dressed in the latest fashion for a young lady of good birth and fortune, how adoring of her friend. Here were two happy young school girls without a care in the world, except perhaps for those hurdles which the young mind and heart would throw up for oneself. How he wished Pippa could have stayed in that sheltered world. He wished it for both these girls.

He handed the picture back to her. "I understand. I don't think you'll need to wait long. Pippa clearly loves you, if this photograph is anything to judge by, and you her. You'll do her much good. I only wish to introduce this chance in circumstances carefully. I'll write to you as soon as I've spoken to her tomorrow."

RE: Answering Questions Only For More - Tobi Zimmermann - 09-22-2024

Tobi gave a soft nod and gently pushed her own plate away, the emotion within her exploding with such relief that she began to cry. "I am so glad she is at least in a safe place," she said. She pulled the picture gently back and her nostrils flared a little when she caressed the photo in the same manner as always, reluctant to put it away. "I will let my brother know as well, he will be relieved to know. Thank you for helping her... She is a good girl, but I can only imagine what must be going through her mind right now with her grief and fear. I hope his demise can help bring her some closure."

The young redhead was about to reach over to him to give his hand an appreciative squeeze but the companion reached over and snatched her hand back.

That woman had been quietly doing her job whilst eating and listening. She's heard some juicy tidbits before about this mystery girl and now she knew the girl existed for certain. Her face seemed to take on a cool expression as she turned to the girl, "Ye ought ta go rest iffin ye can't eat yer food. I am sure Doctor Wells has," and she looked sourly and knowingly at him, "needs to get back to attending his... patient." she kind of sneered a little in disapproval as she started to wave down somebody to put the food into wax paper.

RE: Answering Questions Only For More - Tristan Wells - 09-22-2024

Tristan glanced down when he noticed her tears, trying to avoid making the situation more awkward. In fact, her mentioning Pippa being in a 'safe place' only made him more uncomfortable. Pippa was, in a way. As safe as he could make it. And the asylum would have been the safest place for her in the circumstances before this conversation. But he couldn't help but feel his sister's judgement weighing on him. He hoped that they'd be able to find an alternative, now that Pippa's fortunes had changed.

He noticed the hand reaching out for his. His mouth turned to a hard line when it was stopped. It was a good thing, in many ways. Certainly the mere whiff of impropriety would make this entire situation even more awkward. But he didn't like the woman's attitude. She seemed to have a problem with him. Was it the colour of his skin? His inferior rank? Or had he said something to offend her? Perhaps it was just the way she was. He didn't like her behaviour towards Miss Zimmerman either.

He gave the weeping lady a kind look "Miss Winter is right. You must be tired after all the excitement of the day and I must be getting back, if you'll not think me terribly uncivil for leaving this food. I will get in touch with you tomorrow as soon as I have Pippa's... Miss Danes' permission." On reflection, that unpardonable liberty had probably set Miss Zimmerman's companion against him. How often had he used Pippa's Christian name? Yes, things were bound to be messy.

RE: Answering Questions Only For More - Tobi Zimmermann - 09-22-2024

Tobi sighed in confusion, shooting the woman a startled look. The matron gave a sour look toward her that kept her from asking questions. She then looked back to him and said, "It will be eaten, I planned to save some anyhow." She gave a wan smile that didn't quite reach her eyes and then left to go up the stairs.

The matron began to wrap the fare up, her eyes glancing daggers in his direction. She only uttered very quietly, almost quiet enough he could very well miss it but loud enough he'd hear it in passing if he caught it, "I will not stand fer subjecting another wee lass with yer depravity. Libertine." And then she took the food and walked away. It had to have been the woman he had asked to clean up after him that told her this in the short time since the incidents at his home.

RE: Answering Questions Only For More - Tristan Wells - 09-23-2024

Tristan rose to his feet when Miss Zimmermann got up to leave and he gave her a respectful nod. He had just put on his hat when the vicious hiss was issued. He instantly realized that it was an insult, of course. The woman's cold demeanor changed to had turned to open disgust as soon as Miss Zimmermann was on her way. But it took a moment for the meaning of those word to sink in.

He trembled on the spot. He would have preferred to dash out of that place at once, into the night's cool air. But he forced himself to walk out slowly, so as not to 'confirm his guilt'. His movements were wooden.

That fresh air did not deliver on its promise. Tristan leaned against the outside of the inn, feeling his heart pound with frightful force against his ribs. He pressed his hand against his breast. Breathing was hard under the dizzying awareness that this situation with Pippa was not just messy; it was downright dangerous.

He didn't know how long he stood there. He noticed neither time nor people passing. But when he started moving at last, his heart rate was a little slower and his mind made up.