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Registered: Feb 2023
Tobi paced back and forth in her room, anxious to hear anything at all about her best friend. The letter about the murderer was folded neatly on the table in her room along with the legal letters from the solicitors back in the states. Pippa was legally right for what money was left after the estate had burnt to the ground, the funds no longer locked from her use.
She sighed and sat down, the young teenager that served as her companion when her brother was occupied elsewhere knocked and came in, "Come on, Miss, ye should really eat somethin affore ye catch the vapors. I am sure yer friend wouldn't like knowin' ye fainted on her behalf." The girl tutted like a mother hen and linked her arm with Tobi's to take her into the common room to eat.
Tobi did pause to grab the old newspaper that had come with the package. She shook her head as she peered down at the likeness of the man who killed the Danes family, hanged for his crime some months prior. Poor Pippa...
Posting Freak
Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020
08-14-2024, 07:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-14-2024, 07:50 AM by Tristan Wells.)
Tristan didn't like this. Perhaps it was the stress of the day - Pippa's sickness, the discovery of the mental state and the consequences it might or should have, the savage argument with his sister - on top of the financial stress and worry for Pippa of the past few months, that now made him overly suspicious. But this didn't look right. Why was a young lady from Pippa's former social circles staying at an inn and not a proper hotel? How had she found Pippa, when Pippa had crossed the ocean and kept a low profile (though not as low as Tristan would have liked at times)? Was this really the work of a young lady, a friend of Pippa's, concerned for her welfare? Or was there something darker at play? Was there a kernel of truth still in Pippa's paranoid ravings? He wondered if he should have brought the handgun.
He was inconspicuously dressed in black suit and hat with a black coat when he entered the establishment. The note that had arrived at his address earlier was in his pocket. He had checked the name, just before entering. Zimmermann. 'Ms' Zimmerman. German? Jewish? It was a rather unusual name to choose for a con artist, he had to admit. There was some hope in that.
Ignoring his sweaty palms and undoubtedly high blood pressure, Tristan made his way to the bar and asked for a 'Ms Zimmerman and tell her there was a Mr. Wells to see her'. The man behind the bar looked him up and down skeptically. "I was sent for," Tristan added, wondering how long he had had the headache he was suddenly aware of. The day was a haze. At least the barman told a lady to inform Ms. Zimmerman.
While he waited, he wondered how Penelope was faring with Pippa. What if Pippa took a turn for the worse while he was out? What if Penelope couldn't handle her?
What if Penelope did something rash...?
Junior Member
Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Daughter
Height: 5'7"
Alias: Kimmie
Registered: Feb 2023
Tobi happened to be at the landing by the time he showed up, her hired companion at her heel. She heard her name and her heart beat faster. The girl waved a little excitedly and said, "He is here for me! Please, Sir, this way." She and the other woman would then lead him to a table. "Please, sit, and I'll be happy to provide you with a late meal if you are hungry. I do not wish to eat in front of you. Mr. Wells, you said?"
The girl was very polite and he might catch a glimpse of the real picture that was used in the paper, and it resembled that drawing of that man Pippa was frightened of, especially when she set the whole thing on the table. There was a smaller picture of Pippa within that article.
The title was bold: Danes Family Murderer Found Guilty, To Be Hanged
Quote:Mr. Thomas Kritch, partner in the Danes' Family Textile, has been found guilty of the mass murders of the Danes family and servants, sixteen counts, arson, obstruction of justice, and several other serious charges. He shall be hanged by the neck until death.
Philippa Danes, the sole survivor due to her absence during the carnage, is still said to be missing at this time, but witnesses state that she was last seen boarding a ship bound for England. A reward of one hundred dollars has been put in place for anyone who can successfully locate Ms. Danes offered by the Zimmerman family, who are closely acquainted with the Danes family...
This would be clearly visible if he looked but she did not immediately hand it over. She was quite anxious looking as she regarded him with an almost desperate air.
"This is my companion, Marianne Winters," the woman in question gave a soft nod but when it was time to order, she took the reigns because she knew well what the girl ate, "I think a platter of meat and cheese, beef and chicken, no pork please... Some of your Earl Grey tea with a little lavender, cups and plates for us all. And also whatever the gentleman shall be eating and drinking if he would like something else..." Tobi merely nodded and then closed her eyes, forcing herself to find calm.
Posting Freak
Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020
08-17-2024, 07:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2024, 07:46 AM by Tristan Wells.)
Tristan was surprised to see the girl who spoke up, for girl she was. Certainly no older than Pippa herself. He had considered it of course, but to see this young person who had followed her friend across the ocean and managed to track her down was still a shock. His amazement only grew when she spoke and invited him to sit down so elegantly and self-possessed. At her age he had been shy, self-absorbed, and rather lacking in common sense.
He sat down. "Madam," he greeted with a nod, when the girl introduced her companion and he turned back to Miss Zimmerman, but just then their order was taken. "A tea please," he added and he turned to the girl again. "You are very kind, Miss, but I'm afraid I've just had my dinner. Please do have yours."
It was a lie. He hadn't eaten since this morning. Pippa had been too ill to prepare anything and he had been too distracted even to grab something simple. He was starting to feel hungry now, but he did not want to feel indebted to the young lady. He didn't know yet what she wanted.
"I'm Dr. Wells, I must say I..." his eyes fell on the newspaper article, the familiar face in the picture drawing his attention. His face froze. He glanced at the headline. "My God..." he whispered. Then he remembered his companions and turned his eyes up to Miss Zimmermann. "Apologies. I didn't know..." how much of Pippa had told him was true... "that he was caught," he had to good sense to finish. This was gonna be messy.
Junior Member
Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
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Height: 5'7"
Alias: Kimmie
Registered: Feb 2023
"I just received this paper a few days ago, apparently my father had it forwarded until my brother and I were found. He is out looking for leads as we speak I think." She paused and tilted her head. There was a knowing look in her eyes, as if she saw through his tall tale. She said, "I am sure we will have plenty of you change your mind."
Then she gave a slight smile as he corrected himself to be Doctor, and then it dawned on her what he said and she perked up. "Is she with you as we were advised? I am so worried about her. My family has taken care of everything in her absence, my father has taken over the estate to untangle everything for her. She must be so frightened...."
The way she touched the picture of Pippa showed that she was either an academy award deserving actress or she genuinely worried for the woman. The way she looked up at him next would probably solidify that she was truthful.
"The whole story sickens me, but I'm so glad he has been apprehended and is not a danger to her."
Posting Freak
Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020
08-25-2024, 08:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2024, 08:15 PM by Tristan Wells.)
Her words made him uneasy. He felt oddly called out and he wasn't sure how to respond. Luckily, she continued. Still he hesitated in formulating an answer, albeit for different reasons. He avoided looking at her directly and looked at the paper instead, thinking as fast as his worn out brain would allow.
Here was a quandary: A chance for Pippa to return to her old life and find peace had come at last, just when her own situation might cast her out from that life for good. Her friends had found her, but in a state where friends were most likely to disassociate themselves from a young lady. Pregnant out of wedlock and sanity crumbling away, this might be the very worst time for Pippa to be found.
He had given away too much already to deny that she was living under his roof. He wouldn't attempt it anyway now that the press was involved. This promised to be messy enough for him as it was. But he would still try to give away as little as was possible while buying more time.
"Yes, Miss Zimmermann, I'm happy to say your search is complete. It's a great relief to learn that P- Miss Danes still has friends in this world. However, I must urge you to tread carefully and keep the press as ignorant as you have the power to keep them. It is as you say. Your friend is very fearful, and she has suffered more than any young lady should be forced to bear, let alone bear it on her own. She is poorly, ill at the moment, and I worry about introducing a great shock to her at once, even a positive one."
Junior Member
Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Daughter
Height: 5'7"
Alias: Kimmie
Registered: Feb 2023
"I have not spoken to reporters here. I find them to be repugnant when it comes to invasion of privacy. Pippa and her family liked their privacy well," she said softly and pushed the paper forward for him to examine. Not only had Pippa captured his likeness to the nose hair, he was more sinister in the picture shown.
The story lined up with what Pippa had told him, and even shed light on what led up to things, such as bitter jealousy on the part of the villain. A plan had been brought to light where he had planned not to kill, but rather force her hand in marriage.
"Doctor Wells, I can assure you that I will care for her myself if I must. In fact, I love her as family and nothing that could have happened will prevent that." She sighed and went on to say, "Please tell me what you can here and I will make arrangements for my brother to rent a house for us and she will stay with us if possible, and I will pay for her care if I cannot care for her.... I.... She is the best friend I've ever had... I cannot bear if something else took her away now." Her eyes shone with unshed and earnest tears.
Posting Freak
Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020
08-29-2024, 07:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2024, 07:27 PM by Tristan Wells.)
His weary face cracked a wry smile. "You're too generous," he muttered quietly in response to her assessment of Whitby's sorry standards of journalism. He took the newspaper gratefully and quickly read the story he had been eager to read. Sixteen counts. Poor souls. What a grisly world they lived in. Such heart wrenching, senseless deaths. Then another gut punch. Poor Pippa. No wonder she was so afraid the killer would track her down. No wonder he'd managed to take on such a powerful form in her anxious mind. He pushed the paper back in her direction, much as one would push away a plate of food that one was sick of. He was disgusted.
It was lucky then, that Miss Zimmermann chose that moment to remind him that there was good in the world. He did not doubt her sincerity then, and hardly doubted that she would stand by Pippa if she knew the full story. If she would, how very very lucky her timing. What a godsent to Pippa. And what a relief to him.
But he would have to wait to find out. "It would not be right for me to share any particulars about Miss Danes's medical state without consulting her first, I'm afraid." The half written letter in his desk to his colleague was apparently exempt from this principle. "I will speak to her tomorrow morning, when she's hopefully had a good night's sleep. She will need care, one way or another. I would have gladly done more for her if I could, but..." he shook his head. "What a time for kind friends to find her."
Junior Member
Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Daughter
Height: 5'7"
Alias: Kimmie
Registered: Feb 2023
Tobi looked down but it was in understanding. Pippa would tell her probably but she would not push the issue. She gave a deep sigh to calm herself and the food was soon upon the table with enough plates for them all and a large meat and cheese situation with vegetables and fruits, as well as some bread. There was plenty.
"We have been looking for months. I am glad she is alive despite her awful circumstances..." She absently filled up all three plates and set them out to each of them.
Posting Freak
Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020
09-01-2024, 06:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2024, 06:47 AM by Tristan Wells.)
Just as it felt the conversation was done, the food arrived, and before he was well aware, the young lady was preparing him a plate, despite his earlier refusal. He had meant to drink his tea quickly and go. All that needed to be said for now had been said. He wanted to go home and relief his sister of her nursing duties and rest before the challenges of tomorrow. But it felt uncivil to refuse the plate now that it had been prepared. He thanked her.
He nodded in agreement with what she said. The world was no kind place to a girl with no family and money to protect her, especially one who had never been prepared to do without these. "How did you manage to find her at all? Whitby's quite out of the way," he asked.