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[Complete] [CW] Take Me to Church [Churches, Abbey, and Schools]

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

[Content Warning- homophobia via religious views]

The week wasn't easier just because he had gotten 
forgiveness from God. He still had his distracting moments and he still felt repulsed with himself for it, another item in the large barrel of things that he hated about himself. He did keep his promise though. He was up before dawn, dressed in his nicest clothes without going too formal, and had headed to the church. 

As he had hoped, he found the place full of people, there was no way he would be noticed and even less if a chance the man would agree with him. He already had his own sneaky way of thanking him. His money for the collection was tied up neatly with a little note tucked inside. He thought it was brilliant.
Posting Freak

764 Posts
15 Threads

Age: 33
Occupation: Roman Catholic Priest
Height: 5'9
Registered: Aug 2019

Gabriel entered, followed by an altar service, and offered prayers as he approached the altar. Then mass began and mostly it was a combination of different prayers, where Gabriel was facing the high altar, and wouldn't have seen Elijah, since his back was turned towards him. The altar server was offering replies. Many people kneeling in the pews prayed their own prayers, rosaries and other devotions.When it was time for the sermon however, Gabriel climbed the pulpit and preached in English. The bishop had warned him to watch what he was saying, to tone down the fieriness of his preaching, so he wouldn't offend anyone. He preached what he felt he had to preach though. Passionately, he preached that living according to the Gospel was radical, and that it was a mission for everyone, not just for priests and religious. That it meant looking out for each other, across class or race. Gabriel was on fire. The looks on the people's faces reached from inspired, to annoyed, to surprised, to angry. It didn't matter.

He went way over the ten minutes people were used to.

When he climbed down at last to continue his prayers, there were a few audible sighs of relief.

After Mass, Gabriel stood outside to shake hands and be available.

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah barely remembered church, it had been so long. He knew though that it never felt like this or reached him. It felt like it was speaking directly to him.

He was actually happy to meet with him after. When design the priest face to face, he shook his hand slowly with his normally nervous smile since he hadn't met the priest as far as he knew. "Thank you. That was a wonderful service. It's been a while since I've come, and I'm so happy I did. I truly e-enjoyed the message. It spoke to me deeply. Ah, I'm Elijah Crane.. the constable. We haven't met before."
Posting Freak

764 Posts
15 Threads

Age: 33
Occupation: Roman Catholic Priest
Height: 5'9
Registered: Aug 2019

Yes we have, Gabriel thought. Usually he forgot confessions quickly, and he was thankful for it. He shouldn't try to remember them. He was merely the instrument. People's sins were not his business. But he had heard this man's voice over and over again in his mind, much as he tried to forget it. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Crane." Gabriel said. Was his hand hot? Could Mr. Crane feel that? Did his face betray him? He did not want to let the man know he recognized him, and discourage him from ever coming back. "I'm pleased to hear that. The people speak positively of you, Mr. Crane."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

"They do? That is very encouraging. I always feel like I am the one who brings down their fun." He laughed lightly. He knew immediately this had been his priest from the box. He was very grateful to this man though he couldn't tell him so. 

Elijah's gloved hands couldn't feel any heat, just a warm handshake he expected from the caring priest. He also did not noticed anything strange in his expression, but he did notice how handsome he was. He couldn't dwell on it, this was a man of God and he had been so kind to him. To think those thoughts about this man would have been like spitting in his face. He would hate himself if he did.

At least, he would resist it as much as he could. "I will certainly keep returning if your messages are like this. I am not sure if everyone agreed with me, but I believe you speak an important word and that it is from the heart. You are a breath of fresh air to this town." And to me.
Posting Freak

764 Posts
15 Threads

Age: 33
Occupation: Roman Catholic Priest
Height: 5'9
Registered: Aug 2019

Gabriel smiled awkwardly and blushed a little. The man was so full of praise, he wasn't sure how to handle it. Knowing what his 'sins' were and seeing the actual man attached to it didn't help either. "I'd be happy to see you back next week."

Did that sound wrong? Damn!

"I mean... You're always welcome. Anyone... I'd be happy to see more people attend church..."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Was the man getting nervous? Perhaps he did recognize him? His eyes began to fall as he grew nervous but shook his head. "Ah, of course. I would never push my own personal religion upon others but I could not think anyone could find a kinder, more eloquent, passionate.. Ah! Priest to lead them down the road to salvation." He had said too much. Dammit, he did want to leave though it felt like it would make it more obvious. He barely glanced up, to make sure the man wasn't staring or his sweet smile had changed. Why did he have to be so young and ... Elijah immediately forced the thoughts to stop before he really did have to go.

"I shouldn't hold you up. I am sure there are many wanting to give their thanks for your wonderful words. I will be back Sunday morning. I promise." Going into the dark small box to speak to this man private suddenly became much much harder.

Harder... Dammit! He really did need to cut the conversation now.
Posting Freak

764 Posts
15 Threads

Age: 33
Occupation: Roman Catholic Priest
Height: 5'9
Registered: Aug 2019

Ok the praise was getting uncomfortable now. "Thank you, Mr. Crane. See you next week." And then, although he hadn't meant to, he added: "I do house visits to meet the parishioners. If you'd like me to drop by, just let me know."

What did he say that!? Why would he put himself in such a position. He mentally shouted at himself. No Gabriel! NOOOOOO!

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah looked surprised and he didn't mean to. It was like another force had taken over him. He nodded though he didn't feel it, he felt numb. "Oh, feel free to come by any time. You are always welcome into my home. I would be happy to have you."

NOoooooooooooooo! That wasn't his words. That came out so Wrong! He might as well have torn open his shirt and splayed himself before the man asking how he could better 'service the church'. His face felt red. He gave him a stare like a deer and turned to go. "Thank you, f-father."

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

Anytime! Anytime was good! Anytime could mean never. "Bye now..."

Bullet dodged.

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