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Journal of Ruth Blacke
Senior Member

389 Posts
17 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

The journal is a rough leather tome with paper of questionable quality. She did not date any of her entries.


I've made the biggest mistake of my life. I married a man who doesn't want me. Now I am headed home with his babe in my belly. I do not have much time to write this, even now I am being waved over.



I've met the most wonderful people and I will work for them one day.



So much has happened since the last time I wrote in you, journal. I had my son, Jacob, and I walked away from Angus for good. I got the job at the Blackwood estate and I couldn't be more blessed with my being here.


That no good... rotten scoundrel! That dirty jacknape! I hate him so! Angus is a fool.


E. was very kind to me today. He went to the bar where Angus was and gave him a what for. Thing is, I don't think Angus will even remember. He was sotted. But I think E. cut a heroic figure... standing up to him on my behalf. Oh, journal, I don't know what I am going to do.



When I look at my son, I do not see Angus in him. I only see a young boy version of me. Thank God for that. Thank God for him being such a good child too. He is my world and I love him so very much.

Angus sent me a letter and it was the most pathetic thing I ever read... I will never let him have my boy.


E. called me his friend today. I felt as though for one moment I was floating and time was standing still. Whatever I did to deserve his esteem, I am grateful for, but my love for him must remain quiet. I cannot let him find out that my heart beats harder every time I see him or whenever we eat our meals together. He's out of reach.


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