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[Complete] My city now [Streets, Yards, and Homes]

2,428 Posts
15 Threads

Pronouns: He/him
Age: 29 (July 24 1865)
Occupation: cautionary tale
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Dec 2019

Anthony leaned against a wall, watching the streets with a disinterested look in his eye. It was dark outside, and cold enough that he would shiver if it wouldn't make him seem vulnerable. However, as that was likely, he didn't. Though he had hunted himself a good catch yesterday, and got enough money out of it to survive at least another few days, his ambition and hunger for chaos knows no ends. It was as such, then, that he remained leaning against the wall, waiting for any sort of interesting person to pass by so that he could relieve them of their material possessions. 

Though it seemed to him that there won't be anyone noteworthy coming along this way anytime soon, he was unaware of how untrue that assumption was.
Jacob Feldmann
Jacob was shivering. He was luckier than his poorer 'comrades'. For although his clothes were plain, they fitted him well, were in a good state and made of warm materials. Still, it was a chilly night. He had just returned from a meeting and was somewhat tipsy. He pulled his scarf tighter around his neck , not noticing the man leaning against the wall.

2,428 Posts
15 Threads

Pronouns: He/him
Age: 29 (July 24 1865)
Occupation: cautionary tale
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Dec 2019

Almost ready to just walk away and give up, Anthony's eyes caught a rather interesting looking man, who appeared to be shivering. Of course, Anthony didn't let his guard down at that—that was the same trick he'd used just yesterday, and he wouldn't fall for it. But if it isn't a trick, then, well... that's very very good.

His gaze followed the man. "You doing good there, sir?" he called out, nodding at him in a silent greeting.
Jacob Feldmann
Jacob turned. "Wha-? Oh, yes I am. Are you?" Jacob was naive enough not to be concerned. He was the common man's friend after all.

2,428 Posts
15 Threads

Pronouns: He/him
Age: 29 (July 24 1865)
Occupation: cautionary tale
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Dec 2019

"You don't look all that good," he laughed softly, flashing a brief smile at the man. "what with your shivering and all that. I'm fine myself, though." Arms crossed and tapping his fingers against his elbows, Anthony looked the man over from head to toe. The guy didn't seem too dangerous or actually worth robbing, but fuck it. Even if he won't get a lot of money out of this he'll get experience.
Jacob Feldmann
Jacob drowned, quite confused. "Well, it's cold, sir, if you hadn't noticed. Aren't you cold?"

2,428 Posts
15 Threads

Pronouns: He/him
Age: 29 (July 24 1865)
Occupation: cautionary tale
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Dec 2019

"I've noticed," Anthony said, looking rather unimpressed for a moment, but his smile returned quickly. "of course I'm cold out here on the streets, especially at night, but I just get used to it after a while." He sighed wistfully, trying to elicit sympathy yet again because that's the only trick he knows.
Jacob Feldmann
Despite his 'comradery' with the proletariat, Jacob was in fact a whole lot less compassionate than Anthony's last victim. "But no one should be forced to live on the streets!" he said. "And one day no one will, I'm telling you!"

2,428 Posts
15 Threads

Pronouns: He/him
Age: 29 (July 24 1865)
Occupation: cautionary tale
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Dec 2019

At that, Anthony raised an eyebrow. Was this one of those so-called revolutionaries who think they can change the world, then? "Well, isn't that optimistic of you," he chuckled in a very 'that's never going to happen' way. "it'd be nice for sure if noone had to sleep in the streets, but it's been that way for a couple thousand years now and it's not going to change anytime soon." For a brief moment, he forgot that he was supposed to rob this guy. Oh. Right.
Jacob Feldmann
Damn it, why was nobody taking him seriously? He thought back of what he had read in books of people smarter than him. "That's because history isn't finished! It's a dialectical process!" He vaguely remembered those terms and he was sure that if he'd use them, the man would recognize that he was the smart one here. And then he could convince the man to join them. And hopefully they could start rioting soon.

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