Posting Freak
Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'2"
Registered: Jul 2019
Things were settling down, though the amount of people who still shot her awful looks saddened her. After one such incident, a snide remark made under the breath of a vendor even as he took her money. She had the basket of wares in the crook of her arm, some food, a gift for Joe, and stuff for sewing baby clothes, though it was covered aside from the bread. With stooped shoulders, she made her way from the market and walked a good ten minutes or so, not going fast.
She gagged at the sudden scent of refuse and shuddered, no longer looking about for anyone but rather, a private place.
Posting Freak
Age: 19
Occupation: Baker's wife
Registered: Jul 2019
[CW: Heavy relationship/low self-esteem issues]
Rose was deep in thought, though she would probably not be able to say what she was thinking of if interrupted. Her basket with supplies from the shops was less full than it used to be. Andrew was giving her less money for groceries these days and she was afraid to ask why, probably because she suspected the answer. He felt that her meals weren't worth the money. Every day his silence became more oppressive. She felt the accusation in every sigh, in the way he averted his eyes when she tried to search them, in the way he slept so far on the the edge of their bed it was a miracle he hadn't fallen out yet. He regretted marrying her and he was treating her with all the civility he could muster. He was probably too much of a gentleman to allow himself to tell her that he felt tricked and deceived. Despite the disappointment she was too him, he did not want to hurt her feelings by admitting that openly. But his silence and distance expressed it all the same.
A familiar form stopped her in her tracks and in her thoughts. Rose had heard of Pearl's elopement, but she had never bothered to go see her after that, or even taken the trouble to write. She didn't know why, but once a little time had passed, it was the shame of not reaching out in the first place that stopped her. Her poor friend - if she could still call her that - looked sick.
"Pearl?" she said timidly, "Are you alright?"
Posting Freak
Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'2"
Registered: Jul 2019
She was trying very hard not to puke, but it seemed like her body was doing whatever it could to make it harder. She heard her friend, then turned a miserable look to her, her lips trembling a little and some tears sort of trapped in the corners of her eyes. She gave a nod though after taking in a deep breath and the air was clear.
"I was just on my way home." A woman and her child walked by, the woman guided the kid away with a glare her way. Pearl flinched but said nothing. "I could ask the same of you.. are you well?"
Posting Freak
Age: 19
Occupation: Baker's wife
Registered: Jul 2019
Rose nodded vaguely. Was Pearl angry with her for not reaching out earlier? Her mind was in too much of a state to know how to interpret the words.
"Let me walk you home. I've missed you," she tried hopefully.
Posting Freak
Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'2"
Registered: Jul 2019
Pearl cast a grateful look, suggesting the contrary to the worries her friend may have had. She sighed and tucked a stray hair back into her loose chignon. She didn't say anything for a moment, looking for the world like she was in the deepest misery.
She had given up all the finery for simpler clothes. Her garb was less for fashion and more for labor, her boots flat and servicable. Her fingers even looked as though callouses had started forming. She didn't have a job but she certainly helped with the upkeep of the house and was thinking about her options.
"I would like that," she murmured.
Posting Freak
Age: 19
Occupation: Baker's wife
Registered: Jul 2019
The grateful look and words were all Rose needed. Her worries were thrown off at once and Rose felt so light she could swear she was bouncing with every step as she closed the distance between herself and her friend. Not even Andrew's antics could trouble her in that moment.
She moved her basket to her other arm, and slipped her free arm round Pearl's elbow. "Congratulations on your marriage, by the way."
Rose hadn't liked it at all when she had read about it, even less so for the way her friend was dragged through the mud. But whatever her feelings about the whole affair, for now, she was just happy to have rekindled a friendship. "Which way?"
Posting Freak
Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'2"
Registered: Jul 2019
10-26-2024, 09:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-26-2024, 09:43 PM by Pearl Blacke.)
She gave a wan but genuine smile. "Thank you..." She then nodded in the general direction of her new abode, or rather, the rather crowded one that was the Blacke home. She would not trade it for the world, she thought, and then decided perhaps giving back the money given to her by the mysterious man was the best option. Things were much too cryptic and she wanted no part, she would make it without the riches of her familyor strangers.
"I know this may sound odd, but I like this simpler life better... I feel like I have purpose... I made my new family angry at first and I understand the part I played, but they have since shown me more warmth and welcome in the short time we have been together. I am very grateful to them all for allowing that grace." Her words were not the cheerful notes she normally sang, but rather tired sounding.
Her hand found her belly as it gave another cramp. "Besides, I do believe I am already being punished enough. I am not exactly sure why we wish to be mothers so bad if the sickness I get is like anyone else's." She gave a grimace.
Posting Freak
Age: 19
Occupation: Baker's wife
Registered: Jul 2019
Rose walked along, arm in arm with the fellow young wife. Pearl's voice was rather quiet and sombre, but from her words it sounded like she had stepped into a world of love, where she was cherished and seen. Rose shamefully noticed her own joy dampening a little. She ought to be happy for her friend. Really she was. Pearl's family, for all their money, weren't worth a farthing as parents and siblings. Pearl deserved to find a loving home at last.
But the other feeling was there. It stirred, undeniably, at the next suggestion. "You're pregnant?! So soon already?"
Posting Freak
Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'2"
Registered: Jul 2019
"I only just discovered. Oh, Rose, I am so frightened. I know that Joe will be a good father but I fear I will fail. I have already done so many things wrong for trying to do the right things. And I have been nothing but sick for days now. I don't know, I don't feel like this is going to be a happy occasion for everyone. I can only imagine how eagerly I will be written about the moment my belly rounds out... And I know my father and mother will only hate me for it." She looked up then, shaking her head at herself. "The last thing I want is to make things worse."
Posting Freak
Age: 19
Occupation: Baker's wife
Registered: Jul 2019
The roar subsided. Rose lowered her arm and her fingers weaved through Pearl's. She squeezed her friend's hand.
"Those gossipmongers at the Gazette will be busy cleaning up their workshop and think twice before printing any nonsense about anybody again. And as for yer parents, if they can't be 'appy with a grandchild, they're not worth a second thought. Joe is good. And so is 'is family. They will love that baby and 'elp you in any way they can. I've no doubt of it."