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[Complete] You'll Love Me in the Morning [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Senior Member

497 Posts
8 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 24
Occupation: Pirate
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Benny stood and frowned pointing at her. "I'll go, but if you lied, I shall be back. And I'll remember your inhospitality." He glared at her and walked to the door and disappeared, heading to the address she had given him.
Farmer's wife

290 Posts
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Age: 17 (27 April 1878)
Registered: Sep 2019

"Oh, I'm so afraid!" Alice called after him sarcastically.
Senior Member

497 Posts
8 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 24
Occupation: Pirate
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Benny turned on his heel and walked up to her. "What did you say? Do you think I'm a gentleman who is beyond hitting a woman when she is repeatedly rude and then tries to act like all big and brave? I may be going to your sister for assistance but do not think that gives you carte blanche to do as you wish. I have my own pride."
Farmer's wife

290 Posts
10 Threads

Age: 17 (27 April 1878)
Registered: Sep 2019

Alice glared at him. "Then take your pride elsewhere, and don't come back."
Senior Member

497 Posts
8 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 24
Occupation: Pirate
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Benny frowned and clenched his fist. He was infuriated with this crazy family except for Rose. "I have not done a single thing to deserve your hatred, but if you keep that up, I certainly will. " He walked past her to where she had been and kicked over the tub of water and laundry. "Clean up the mess you made thanks to your sow tongue." He spit at her feet and left to go see Rose.
Farmer's wife

290 Posts
10 Threads

Age: 17 (27 April 1878)
Registered: Sep 2019

As Alice watched the water and soap spill all over the floor, draining the floorboards, and reaching the kitchener where it splashed on the coals, she suddenly burst into tears and sank down.
Senior Member

497 Posts
8 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 24
Occupation: Pirate
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Benny looked startled when she cried. "What!? Why are you crying?? It's just some water, you can clean it up. It was.. it was your fault ! You were being so awful and it made me so mad!"

He looked around for a mop or some cloth to clean it up with. "I was so mad. I wanted to break something or do something to make you regret saying it. But.. all I did was knock over your water!"
Farmer's wife

290 Posts
10 Threads

Age: 17 (27 April 1878)
Registered: Sep 2019

Alice cried uncontrollably, unable to curb her emotions. They were all over the place nowadays. "D-do you have any idea how long it takes to fill such a basin, and heat all the water for that!" She cried. "Oh and I'll be in grave trouble if this leaks into the cottage below!" She took a mop, but had to wring it out outside in a matter of seconds. It hardly made a difference. She took the clothes off the floor and put them over a chair, but they were heavy and dripping.
Senior Member

497 Posts
8 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 24
Occupation: Pirate
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

"No, I don't know that!" Benny almost shouted as if it were obvious. He rolled his eyes and grumbled. "You're not cleaning it up right though." He started to wring the clothes out in the tub so they wouldn't drip and then moved the ash out to help soak up the water and dry the area. 

"Start a new fire so you can heat up more water when it's ready." He then mopped, squeezing it out in the tub. "It'll be easier for me to dump this out full of dirty water and just rinse it then keep taking the mop out." He certainly knew how to mop and wasn't going to let her treat him like a bully when he still believes it was entirely her fault.
Farmer's wife

290 Posts
10 Threads

Age: 17 (27 April 1878)
Registered: Sep 2019

Alice was already removing the wet coals. She was going to get told off for the amount of coal she used. But what did it still matter? Then she brought water from outside to fill the copper, having to walk several times. "You really must go. We'll both be in all sorts of trouble if anyone sees ye here."

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