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[Complete] [CW] Running out of time

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

"Sounds like a good plan. I'm glad you've worked it all out. Just be careful. I know I've said it a million times, and I'll say it a million more. Can't be helped." Elijah settled down and watched him drink for a brief moment. "Do you need me to wake you in the morning?"

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

Simon gave him a smirk. "Stop worrying so much..." He nodded. "I'd like to have breakfast with you and say bye..."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah nodded. "Then I will make sure. What would you like for breakfast? I'll try to make you your favorite.' He looked eager to send him off with a bang.

768 Posts
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Registered: Jun 2019

Simon shook his head. "Anything is fine, Elijah. I'm thankful enough you're letting me stay."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah shrugged. "Its just me and Diane. There's plenty of room for you to stay. I'd be a terrible person to tell you no."

768 Posts
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Registered: Jun 2019

Simon gave him a thankful smile. "Have you never considered... you know...?"

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah looked at him confused. "What?"

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

"Be with someone... I used to think I was alone. That something was wrong with me. Well, I'm not sure there isn't, but there's more people out there like us... You could be happy..."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah immediately hung his head shamefully and stared at the floor. "I.. haven't met anyone else like that. You're the first to know .. as far as I can tell. Besides, who'd want someone like me? N-not that.. I should be looking anyway. I would never judge you Simon, but.. well... I mean.. even if I haven't been to church in forever.. I know what they think about this. I .. don't feel like risking it is worth it.." He'd totally risk it if he met someone who he could love, but what was the point? He stared down at his gloved hands and frowned more feeling his chest grow heavy by the conversation. "T-thanks for.. thinking that. But.. I could never be happy." He patted his arm. "All the more.. reason for you to be."

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

Simon looked at Elijah with pity. He could understand the struggle, the horror at his own feelings, and the knowledge that he'd be rejected if people knew. But Elijah's internal struggle seemed even more extreme than the ones Simon had dealt with. He gently put a hand on the man's arm. "You are the kindest man I have ever known, Elijah. There's a lot to love about you, and I'm sure there'd be... men who see that. I know... it'd be a risk. But are you happy now? Hiding... Always knowing that what you show to other people is..." He shook his head and pulled up his upper lip at little in disgust: "... fake. That if they'd really know you, they'd..." He shook his head again. "What does it matter then?"

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