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[CW] The Next Day
Senior Member

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Pronouns: She, her
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Sep 2020

"Me too," she whispered, thrn cleared her throat and swished her own tears away. Then she said louder, though still heavily, "I didn't even get to say goodbye. Somebody robbed me of that and I feel as though I have been lost in a bad dream and will never wake up, but then a pinch comes in the form of the child moving about. So I must be strong, as I said. I find comfort in the housework. I find joy in cooking and making this home look presentable. You may have misunderstood the situation, understandably so at that... You still gave me chances... You still tried to protect me and care for me. You and Nel are my family now. And perhaps Mister Blacke too... It would create a stir but it would be replaced by a different scandal one day, and perhaps he will prove to be a kind and loving husband. I do not know his family but for gossip I have overheard in the market, his family is used to attracting attention for their antics but they are a good family... Perhaps they would make a fine family for me to join..."

She paused and took a steadying breath and continued, "I know I don't love him... Perhaps never will... But I love my baby more each day every time I feel them moving. I would do anything to keep the child safe, even scandalize a few folk who know nothing of me."
[Image: Pippa1.png]
Posting Freak

761 Posts
12 Threads

Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020

When she seemed a little better, Tristan let go of her hand, got up - his calves were going numb - and sat down next to her on the bench. She thought of him as family... She really did seem intent on tearing at his heartstrings. Quietly he answered: "I wish I would have acted more like family to you when you needed it, Pippa. I could have done so much to make your grief and loneliness a little more bearable, only I didn't. For what its worth now, I am sorry. If you shall have some kind memories of me alongside my sister, that is more than I merited. But as for your engagement with Mr. Blacke, that may no longer be necessary..." How did he break it to her?
Senior Member

360 Posts
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Pronouns: She, her
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Sep 2020

"How would the world understand? I am having a child out of wedlock just the same." She looked at him and then went on, "As far as how you reacted, you didn't know the truth... Only what I could tell you from my perspective."
[Image: Pippa1.png]
Posting Freak

761 Posts
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Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020

"I knew you had lost your whole family and were quite alone in the world. A little bit of kindness would have gone a long way," he admitted. "But it doesn't matter now. You are not alone. Pippa, do you know a Miss Zimmermann?" He had seen the photo. Of course she did. But he wanted to tread carefully. He didn't know if she could handle all the news in one go.
Senior Member

360 Posts
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Pronouns: She, her
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Sep 2020

"Zimmerman? How... Do you know her name? I know her, I adore her." And the words sounded loving in that same manner she spoke to her unborn child, with much tenderness. It was clear that she loved Tobi in a way he would most likely understand. She hadn't told anyone of his letters, the one she had found on his study floor not too long prior and if he caught it, he would inow why. It was hard not to.
[Image: Pippa1.png]
Posting Freak

761 Posts
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Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020

There was relief in his face. "I know her name because she seems to love you dearly and has never given up looking for you. She wrote to me and I met with her last night. I'm sorry for interfering in your business, but I wanted to make sure she was who she claimed to be, and I judged you quite incapacitated then." God, he still had a half finished letter to a colleague on his desk requesting him to assess Pippa - two independent medical statements were needed to have someone admitted.
Senior Member

360 Posts
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Pronouns: She, her
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Sep 2020

She stared at him with wide eyes, a resudual tear suspended from her lower lash. "I need to see her," she said very softly... The joy that replaced the sadness was bittersweet but nore sweet than bitter. "She's here... In Whitby?" She asked as if in a daze.
[Image: Pippa1.png]
Posting Freak

761 Posts
12 Threads

Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020

His anxieties melted away. There was no fear left in Pippa's face. If she was so eager to see her friend, Miss Zimmermann was indeed the caring friend she claimed to be. Pippa's situation would be no obstacle there and she would be in better hands soon. "She is. She's staying at the __ inn. But you're in no state to go out. Shall I invite her here? You can use the drawing room."
Senior Member

360 Posts
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Pronouns: She, her
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Sep 2020

"I understand... I am not very up for leaving in any case." She finally poured herself some of the tea she had prepared, taking hers without additives. Her eyes closed. "I will prepare a light meal.. it will not require much effort. I can make some sandwiches perhaps. I am not sure I am up for anything else, if I am being honest. I am very tired."
[Image: Pippa1.png]
Posting Freak

761 Posts
12 Threads

Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020

"You needn't. You're not a maid anymore. It's for Miss Zimmermann to tell you the exact details, but the man who killed your family is behind bars. You can return to being Miss Danes, New York socialite." He felt guilty for the hint of sorrow he felt as he told Pippa the good news.

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