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[Complete] Books Against Boredom [Market, Shops, and Spas]

95 Posts
6 Threads

Age: 18
Height: 5'3''
Registered: Apr 2021

Catherine took out a small money purse and laid down three pound coins. "Oh I have a footman waiting outside who can carry them for me. One moment," she said and she moved to the door. "Matthew, do help me with these books." A tall fair-haired teenager in livery followed her in and over to the counter. He tipped his hat at Ellie and cast shy glances in her direction while he picked up each book she had wrapped.

204 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 15
Occupation: Maid
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: Nov 2021

Ellie was just beginning to understand boys, but even she knew that for anything meaningful to pass between them both parties had to talk to eachother. She saw this Matthew fellow's repeated shy glances, and smiled. He looked smart in his coat and buttons, but nothing seemed to blossom in the moment. He seemed the sort of inoffensive boy who would ask her for a turn at a church dance only to then step on her foot. Try harder Matthew.

"There ye go Matthew. Will there be anything else today, Miss?"

95 Posts
6 Threads

Age: 18
Height: 5'3''
Registered: Apr 2021

Catherine noticed the young man staring at the shop assistant and didn't know whether to smile or be irritated. Then when the girl said the footman's name, he almost dropped the books, and Catherine exclaimed: "Matthew!"

"A thousand apologies, ma'm," the flustered footman muttered before hurrying out of the shop with the book.

"How embarrassing," Catherine muttered and she felt it. She would have decided then and there to report the incident to her father, only she felt a little sorry. "No, I shan't need anything else for now. Thank you for your help, my dear. Those books are delightful."

And with that, she left the shop. Matthew hurried to hold the door for her, but was feeling too sheepish to risk another glance in at the shop assistant. Within a minute or so, the carriage rolled away.

204 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 15
Occupation: Maid
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: Nov 2021

Ellie's face did not entirely hide her amusement at the footman's clumsiness. Poor lad... but she kept enough of her wits about her to nod at the girl's announcement that business was concluded. The farewell entreaty to return to Pennyweather's Papers soon went unchallenged.

As the carriage rolled jerkily out of view, Ellie's face broke into a wide smile. The shop was a pound richer, and she got to make eyes at a boy. Not a bad morning's work.

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