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[Complete] A slight shift on the axis [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

The sound of his approaching footsteps woke Jacob but not Ruth, who seemed to be deep in sleep by the time he made it into the garden. The dark haired little boy was ruddy cheeked and sleepy, but he perked at the sight of the man who he recognized. He rubbed his hands into his eyes and gave a yawn, relaxing against Ruth even still. He gazed at his mother as a babe would, then nuzzled her shoulder a moment later as if to hug her, then he started doing that scoot-crawl thing toward Edward, sat up at the edge of the blanket and gestured with both of his hands grabbing at the air, that gesture that babies tended to do when they wanted to be picked up.

Meanwhile, his mother seemed to sigh in her sleep and curled up onto her side, propping her cheek on her arm.
Senior Member

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Pronouns: He, Him, His
Age: 28
Occupation: Inventor
Height: 6'1"
Registered: Nov 2020

The sound of a noisy baby making his way across a carpet was enough to get Edward's attention. He spotted Jacob and Ruth, noting that the latter was evidently taking a nap. He couldn't fault the woman considering the day she'd just had. But it was clear that her boy was uncaring that his mother was trying to sleep. Edward walked over and bent down to pick up the young lad as he said softly.

"You young man should be asleep."

He kept his voice low since he didn't want to wake Ruth, gently rocking Jacob in his arms.
Senior Member

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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

The boy looked up at the man, and got all snuggled up as soon as he was lifted. He seemed to sigh the way babies did as they relax, which is exactly what he seemed to be doing. He fell right back to sleep as Edward held him, and Ruth seemed to stir when she went to snuggle the baby and he wasn't there. She bolted upright, squinting around sleepily, "Jacob?" she asked thickly before her eyes landed upon Edward. She visibly relaxed from her temporary panic. "I'm sorry," she murmured then and moved to stand and was about to reach her arms out to take the boy if Edward did not wish to hold him. Normally, she'd have already been on her way to see her mother so Jacob could glean all the love he could from Lottie, who loved Jacob fiercely it seemed... but she just didn't feel up for a weekend in the crowded Blacke family home.
Senior Member

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Pronouns: He, Him, His
Age: 28
Occupation: Inventor
Height: 6'1"
Registered: Nov 2020

"It's quite alright, let's not wake the young man."

Edward said matching her soft tone as he gently rocked the lad in his arms. He didn't hand Jacob over immediately, hesitating for a moment before he shifted the bundle toward Ruth since it was inappropriate for him to keep a mother from her child.

"I..." He started to say and then paused. "Thank you for yesterday Ruth. You said some things I think I needed to hear. I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it all but... I do feel better today than I have in a long time and I have you to thank for that." He kept his voice soft as he spoke, they were close since he didn't quite pull away after he'd handed her Jacob, though he did take a step back once he finished talking.
Senior Member

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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

Her eyes were on his for a moment as he spoke to her, and the fact he tarried close to her for a moment... She wondered what that was about but didn't complain or really say anything for she got a thrill from it regardless. She almost was reluctant to take Jacob from him too, with the way he seemed to like holding the boy. "Did ye want ta keep holding him, Edward?" she asked softly when he finally stepped back, not really knowing how to reply to what he said. She needed to digest it for a moment, that he was glad she had that talk with him. It was then she took notice of his appearance... The way he got all cleaned up because of her words made her feel good and she murmured, "Ye're looking rather dapper today. I am glad I could give ye the words ye needed to hear."
Senior Member

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Pronouns: He, Him, His
Age: 28
Occupation: Inventor
Height: 6'1"
Registered: Nov 2020

"It's quite alright, we shouldn't move him about too much he just got back to sleep," Edward said with a shake of his head. He had enjoyed holding Jacob but he'd already passed the babe along so it was a little late to go back now. "And thank you, I thought it was time that I make myself more presentable. I cannot continue to hide from the world and looking like a vagrant is not suitable for polite company."
Senior Member

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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

Jacob snuggled into her in his sleep and she smiled slightly, glad that he was coming back to the world of the living. He might have a way to go, but he had taken the steps to better himself. For that, her heart swelled with pride. She had never been so proud of another adult.

"I am glad," she murmured softly, sort of wishing he was closer again because he smelled good, but she would keep that to herself.
Senior Member

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Pronouns: He, Him, His
Age: 28
Occupation: Inventor
Height: 6'1"
Registered: Nov 2020

"It was your words that galvanized me to action so it is good to know you are pleased with the results. You've been nothing but a joy to have in the manor Ruth, you and young Jacob will always have a home here." He said to her with a gentle smile. He wasn't quite sure what else to say after that, he was still coming out of the fog and his path was yet uncertain but she'd certainly managed to make herself something of a light for him to follow.
Senior Member

389 Posts
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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

Her expression shifted to that of wide eyed for a moment, and then her cheeks went pink. Her mouth quirked into a pleasantly surprised smile. Then she looked down at her son and touched the top of his head with a loving hand. The look of adoration was clear on her face when she regarded the boy. "He certainly enjoys yer company," she said softly, but loudly enough it would be easily heard without waking Jacob. "Because o' ye and yer family, as well as yer help, me boy an' me are in a better place. I couldn't be more grateful fer all o' ye. Jacob certainly deserves the moon. I've never known as much joy until he came into me life."

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