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[Complete] [CW] Nothing Up My Sleeve [Street, Yards, and Homes]

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam flipped back and fourth between happy and scared. Ever felt like laughing while you shit a brick? Sam just did. Without thinking he approached and placed his hand over hers, kneeling down, "So doc, the tiredness an all, thats normal right?" he was still worried about her after all, and worried how she would react, but now that his hand was on hers he wanted to comfort her, if she allowed it, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.

171 Posts
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Pronouns: He, him
Age: 54
Occupation: Doctor
Height: 5'10"
Registered: May 2020

"How much does she sleep of late?" he asked, and Cerise piped up, "I feel tired quite often. Sometimes I sleep most of the morning away." He smiled and patted the hand that wasn't occupied by Sam's attention. It seemed the young man was quite besotted with the woman, at least that was a comfort. He saw the engagement ring, which was encouraging. Donald looked at the young lady and asked, "Can you tell me about yourself. I need to know more about you. Would that be alright?"

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

<TW - Talk of darker things, just in case>

She was feeling scared. There was some hurt in her gaze as she peered at Sam for not explaining things he seemed to know. But then her attention was on the old man for a long time. She couldn't very well push Sam out now, he had told her his darkest secrets and now it seems it would be her turn to explain.

"I don't know what my real name is. I was in an orphanage within hours, if not a day from my birth. There isn't much I remember except for it being always cold in the winter, and that nobody wanted any of us. The nuns were not unkind, but they could not do much when there wasn't much money to be had in that area. Often times we would live off of a small amount of bread and some cheese... If we were lucky, the cheese wasn't moldy and the bread was fresh. I saw too many of the others getting sick and sometimes they wouldn't make it, it would either be too cold and they would catch pneumonia, or there'd be some kind of fever brought on by a rat infestation."

She paused and pulled herself away from both men, sort of withering with what she was about to say, "There was once my closest friend out of everyone was so hot with fever. They wouldn't let me see her. I went to look when they had left the room and... I saw her... And... She was lying there with her eyes open still, but there was no hint of her left in her eyes. I just stood there and could only stare at her. They finally realized what I'd done I suppose, but they didn't yell at me for it, they only shook their heads and used their fingers to pull her eyelids down. They pulled a blanket over her head as they carried me out, I couldn't... walk." She had to stand, so she fixed her clothing after that and moved to stand by a window.

"And then I remember being sick too. We all were. I don't remember much of that time other than feeling tired. This is like that except I don't have fevers. I left the orphanage after that, I couldn't handle it there anymore. I was about fifteen I think. After I stole the loaf of bread I told Sam about, that is when I started to fight to get out of France. It took me a while."

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam hadn't known the details of how she came to be here, he was only told she was an orphan and that she had it rough. he didn't stop her from walking to the window. but he did stand, looking at her closely. there was no pity in his eyes, just sadness. Even if he wasn't in love with her he would think she deserved better, but he was and it made it hurt that much more. he had been close to starving a few times, but he usually managed to bag a deer or some other animal before he had to eat just bread and cheese. She had a much stronger will than he did, he had started robbing and killing for less. Sam approached, he didn't touch her yet, just stood near her out of some misguided sense of not wanting her to feel alone. "Sorry doc...i didn't know the details." it was all he could manage, what was he supposed to say? You should have shot a few people, that worked for me? so for now he stayed silent.

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

Doc Witaker watched her quietly, listening grimly. "Is that why you didn't want to see a doctor, Miss Angelle?" She didn't answer. The was telling, of course. He gazed on and then said, "Well, I think it would be to your benefit to talk to someone more suited to the ailments of the soul. Now, I can promise you that I'll be with you and your fiance both through this, but I think a priest or someone who can help lend a healing hand through medicine. But you have to be able to trust me, I understand. We'll go at your pace. As for the baby, everything is perfectly normal given her circumstances." He went on to say, "Well, she'll be getting better as long as she continues to eat and rest when she needs it. With her being in this condition, I'd say we keep an eye on her, and try not to excite her too much. I'll want to see her again in a week or so and we'll talk more about what to expect."

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam nodded his head when the doctor spoke. "after what i did today i got no right to deny her pace from here doc." now he dared enough to reach out to her, placing his hands gently on her shoulders if she allowed it. he was relieved to hear everything was ok so far, food and rest he could give her, and he had no more earth shattering truths to tell, so hopefully the stress would die down a little. From here it was her choice, he hoped she would keep seeing the doctor, for the sake of all three of them. "what ever you wanna do from here Cerise..."

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

She didn't pull away but neither did she lean toward him for comfort. Doctor Witaker watched the pair quietly, not interrupting the moment for at least a spell. She had him deep in thought as much as she seemed to be. Cerise had been in denial more than anything.

Indeed, she gave Sam the sort of look that a scared mother to be usually got. And Sam seemed to adore her, so that was a comfort. After several minutes, he said, "Well, I think I want to ask some more questions before I go... Tell me of your plans. I am happy to see that you'll be marrying her, though that's not as important as making a foundation." These were damn near children he looked at, he thought with amusement.

Cerise looked at Donald in surprise and sort of eyed him.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam rubbed her shoulders as he looked at donald. "Well, for my part we don't need to worry about money for a bit, but figure i'll find a decent job instead of relyin on savins, make sure she an our baby are provided for. Make sure this roof stays above our heads an the kitchen is full. past that...i don't really know. But i'll do what it takes to figure it out." there was a bit of fear in his eyes, which was funny considering how many times he had looked down the barrel of a loaded gun, been shot at and damn near killed, yet this was a fright for him. the look cerise gave him he met with a smile, giving her shoulders a soft squeeze, he was scared too, but they would be in this together at least.

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

"I see," he said, giving some consideration and thought into things. "Well, young man, what kind of skillset are you looking to expand?"

Cerise looked over to Sam now, fixing him with a questioning gaze. She wondered if he would say something other than his guns, though she would not stop him from bringing it up. She hoped he wouldn't though.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam was no fool...well at least not in this sense, he wasn't about to go telling the whole town he had been an outlaw prior to his arrival, so he went with that was still true, "Well, before i came to this town i worked a ranch, so i'm good with a rope an handlin animals. used to get pushed into helpin the cooks a lot as a kid too so i can do some cookin an all that. I can ride pretty well too." He was also insanely accurate with a gun, but that part was omitted for obvious reasons. "I'd be willin to pick up different work too. honestly, this here is the biggest city i've ever been in, So i figure theres gotta be somethin out there i can do."

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