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[Complete] [CW] Nothing Up My Sleeve [Street, Yards, and Homes]

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

9 am found sam in the kitchen, making a breakfast he had not had in a long while. it had been years since he had even slept in a house, never mind had a full larder. So this morning they were going to eat a good breakfast...especially for what he had planned. ice boxes were wonderful things, and soon the house was filled with the scent of biscuits and gravy, sausage and even a couple of steaks. He had not only helped his father cook, being as young as he was on the ranch he often got stuck with the cooks, both in the ranch and on the trail and had picked up a few things. He had already bathed by this point, and was wearing blue shirt, black trousers and his normal boots. He wasn't dressed for high society by any means, more like new work clothes.

Sam wasn't just good with a gun, he was good with a knife too, often spinning the blade flat across his hand while working. when you hunted and cleaned a lot of your own food knife skills were important, the spinning was just a habit picked up to look impressive in front of other people that stuck. If Cerise didn't wake soon he would go and get her, but for now he was finishing the cooking. after yesterday and what he had planned today, he wanted to butter her up as much as possible.

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

Cerise would smell the aroma of sausage cooking, her stomach churning with anticipation of what was to come. Mon dieu, would she ever get a break from being sick? She bolted to empty her guts of any remnants of stew and bread, eventually kneeling while hugging what she referred to as a throne. She shuddered deeply as she let herself rest like that without shame, it was better than leaving only to come back and repeat the performance. She knew that she would not be able to work that day, though she was willing to give it a go. After a bit, she finally got up and took care of the evidence. She was still not used to the plumbing, it was convenient. She soon rinsed her mouth and moved to use the shower thing, deciding this was a good excuse to bathe. She wasn't in the mood for bathing together, so it was a good thing he was cooking at the moment. She was in the tub while he made food. Then she got up and dressed in something comfortable, a blouse and a skirt basically, nothing fancy and not really intended for work. She omitted the corset since she was decided on staying home for the day. She was intending to send a message to let het employer know she was taking the day off.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam would go searching for her once the food was ready, he had already made each of them a plate that was sitting on the table, along with some fresh coffee. when he found her it was after she was already dressed, "Good morning. breakfast is ready." He kissed her quickly on the lips, "When you're ready." they didn't have a whole lot of time. Soon there would be a knock on the door, and sam would have to brace for impact when he opened it, but she didn't need to know that right now. "Did you sleep well?"

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

Her eyes were on him when he asked how she slept. She said, "I suppose I slept fine." She gave a half smile, which let him know that she wasn't feeling the best. She would sigh and move to hug him anyway. "I was going to work but I am not feeling so well." She didn't put her stockings on before she left the room to go to the kitchen to eat. She wanted to go back to sleep soon but she knew he worked too hard on breakfast.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

he started to follow her but heard a knock on the door, damn it he was here early. Sam went to the door and opened it to the let the doctor in. "Hello sir, just uh, just wait in the livin room for just a minute ok?" he then went quickly across the room and into the kitchen. he kissed Cerise and began to speak quickly, "I am so sorry, please don't be too mad. but you have been so tired lately an i'm pretty sure you are pregnant from all the times we laid together and you really need to see the doctor. he's in the other room just please talk to him?" he was on his knees by the end of the last sentence, trying to look as sad as possible for sympathy. Was it manipulation? yes. did same want to live? also yes, so manipulation seemed appropriate. Plus he really was worried about her and what was likely their baby.

171 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He, him
Age: 54
Occupation: Doctor
Height: 5'10"
Registered: May 2020

Donald Wittaker was a distinguished fellow, an older man who flashed a genuine smile as he tipped his bowler hat to the man with the American accent. He had a deep baritone and a gruff set of whiskers. He didn't have a chance to introduce himself before the lad took himself into another room and seemed to be ushering a confused young lady as he was talking fast about her being pregnant, which only confused her more. The poor dear had the eyes as wide as saucers by the time she was facing him. He had never seen the tides shift as fast as he was watching now. He saw the young miss look up at her lover in dismay, disbelief, and betrayal.

While he, himself, could not help but to smile at the pair as she stared at the man who called him there. "Hello there. I am Doc Witaker. There's no need to be worried, I promise you're in good hands. Now, how about you come over and have a seat," he watched the girl hesitate, but he waited patiently and was rewarded by her acquiescence. "That's it, just put your feet up and rest yourself." Once she was settled on the settee, he looked over to Sam and said, "Now, I'm old but I am not deaf. I heard what you said. So let's just cut right to the chase and talk about that. But first, would you be so kind as to give me your names please? I'd like to know who I am talking to."

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

"I'm Samuel Carson." He looked a bit regretful for the circumstances of this visit as he held his hand out to shake the doctors, but he couldn't just ignore what was going on either. the last few days had been rough on them and he was worried about her. He just hoped she could understand that part of always being with her was also making sure she was ok. "I'm sorry for calling you out of the blue like i did, thank you for comin." He stayed silent after that to let Cerise introduce herself. He felt awful for this ambush but it had to be done.

171 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He, him
Age: 54
Occupation: Doctor
Height: 5'10"
Registered: May 2020

"I am Cerise Angelle," she murmured, seeming to shrink into herself.

Donald was just like the rest of the folks who met her, charmed. She was obviously frightened. He reached out and touched her hand in an almost, grandfatherly gesture. "I promise that I am not going to do anything that will hurt you. I need you to trust me. Can you do that?"

She seemed to bite her lip, then she said very quietly, "Oui."

"Good. Do you want Mister Carson to stay in the room?" When she glared at the man in question, she still nodded and muttered a resigned, "Oui."

"Do you want him to tell me what he knows, or would you rather tell me? I would like to help but I cannot know until you've told me all that I need to know, do you understand?" She bit her lip, then nodded.

Donald didn't need to read her expression too long before nodding to Sam, "Start with you first, I suppose. Tell me about this young lady first, and then tell me about what brought me here." He was doing this to see if that would help make the young miss more comfortable, he seemed to be picking up on a few things regarding her already. She would definitely be given a card to go see Tristan for psychiatric related things, perhaps, so he considered his good friend would be happy to take the case on regardless.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

"Well sir I don't know much about her before we met, i know she had it rough, she's been workin since she was a kid to make her way. but the newest troubles are she's been very tired a lot lately, sleeps a lot an all. And to be fully truthful i think she might be pregnant. its my fault, i thought she knew, you know...the process for a baby. just assumed it and found out later she didn't. So its my own damned fault. I called you to check her, make sure nothin's wrong an if it is what I need to do to help." When she glare at him he looked like a kicked puppy, but stayed quiet. All he could do was hope she wasn't TOO mad at him.

171 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He, him
Age: 54
Occupation: Doctor
Height: 5'10"
Registered: May 2020

He didn't look surprised of course, he turned his gaze to the woman who kind of made a face, "Is that how it happens?" His brows shot up for a moment. Ahhh, he thought and gave a glance toward Sam. "Well, that might be an important conversation to have right now, wouldn't it? You should probably tell her what you know, it will mean more to her coming from you. Besides, you're not innocent, as you said." He gestured to Cerise.

Cerise shot a glance toward Sam and then frowned. "No... No... I don't think he needs to tell me now." She looked miserable, "I've been sick every morning and so tired, and sometimes my head hurts. The smell of what he cooked this morning sent me straight to the bathroom." The doctor gave a kindly expression.

"Have you stopped bleeding?" she nodded and ducked further down into herself.

"May I look at your belly?" he asked, "I promise my hands aren't cold."

She hesitated and then untucked her blouse, pulling it up and then shifting the skirt down. He put his hand over her shift covered belly and began to feel around. "And how long have you been with your friend here, miss?"

"I think about three months," she said quietly. Doc Witaker glanced over to the man and lifted his brow, "And it's a good thing he is looking out for you and your baby, then."

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