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[Complete] The Rose Red Angel [Hotels, Pubs, and Accommodations]

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

"I did not ask for an escort, Monsieur," she ground out as he loped beside her. Mon Dieu, he was plucking upon her very last nerve. She whipped around to face him finally, eyes narrowed, "I did not ask for help, either. I can take care of myself. I always have and I always will." Indeed, if he but took a gander at the skirt she wore, he'd see the various patches sewn into the worn fabric. There was a frayed hem along the bottom of the skirt, her shoes were barely wearable, and the blouse had seen better days.

She turned slowly then and walked more, her shoulders back and head held high like a queen. She seemed to elongate, standing taller than her petite frame afforded. She wanted to hide under a rock.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

When she rounded on him he held up his hands again, that invisible loaded gun pointed his way once more. " and i didn't offer an escort, just company. as for help..." he had noticed the state of her clothing, and in the back of his mind felt a little bad that he had gone on a shopping spree when she could have used a pair of shoes... he sighed, stubborn did not begin to describe her. At this point he was pretty sure he'd have better luck getting through to a brick wall, but he wasn't willing to give up yet. Ok then, war of attrition it is. "Who said it was help? hmm? you got it all wrong ma'am, i'm investin, not helpin." he moved to walk beside her now instead of just behind, "See i figure this works out in one of a few ways. One, you are just so grateful and your heart so full of happiness and joy that you confess your undyn feelins for me, preferably wearing your beach clothin(yeah, he wasn't gonna let that one go any time soon) Two you make your fortune in this town, and i get paid back in full plus interest. Finally number 3, my charms and dulcet tones just win you over outright, and then the rest happens as it will."

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

"I don't want anything," she countered, "least of all, not from you. And this love nonsense? Mon Dieu." She shook her head and then veered, hoping to lose him in the crowd. She ducked and wove through the mass of bodies that crowded the walkway. She flit about like a dragon fly on the loose. And then she found herself sort of guided by the way the people swarmed, using the grace from her dancing to her advantage. She was nimble on her feet and seemed to know just how to get lost in the crowd...

And then she was expelled into another street, except she had lost her bearings. She was slow enough to be followed at this point, and she would end up leading them both deeper into the streets of Whitby for who knows how long? At one point, she needed to slow down, then found herself in front of a rather elegant edifice. She frowned and tilted her head back, taking note the sign on the door.

"The Diamond Pony," she repeated out loud. It was the biggest brothel in town and she had no idea that's what she was about to duck into while she thought she was in the clear. And duck in, she did. And the Madame, seeing the beauty slipping inside seemed to hone in on her.

A girl like her would bring in a fair amount of coin. She approached the young woman and welcomed her in with a sweet greeting, before guiding her deeper into the heart of the building. "Come, let's get you settled. I have a proposal for you..."

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam was separated from her for a brief amount of time, she got pretty far ahead. eventually however, he caught up. he was quick on his feet moving toward the door, making sure to button a single loop on his duster to keep his gun from flashing. He was no where even close to as graceful in his steps as Cerise was, but he made up for that with a different talent. he thus pushed his way into the building, and failing to see cerise he assumed the worst and had to act...maybe a touch impulsively. simply walking straight by several women who tried to stop him with various quick phrases, "No thanks, got a girl in mind." "Oh no i'm sorry, your feet just are not big enough for me." "Did you know your crotch is showing?" He would approached what counted as reception in this place, and if there was nothing he would look for someone who looked important, barging up t them with all the rage of a very unsatisfied customer, "I need to see yer boss right now, not in five minutes, not tomorrow, now. I am very upset with the goings on here!"

He would not even wait for a reply before he continued, turning to face the room as he spoke, shifting direction now and again to look at each section in turn. "You see folks! i was here last night, partaking of your services. it was fun, had a laugh, cried a little. over all a nice time. but then, oh dear friends then i noticed something horrible. You see, i have a very important treasure i keep on me, tucked up right between my...you know what? doesn't matter. point is my keepsake is gone, and its the only little silver pony statue of its kind. So i'm needin to se the man or woman in charge right now!" a bit over the top yes, but hopefully to draw out who he needed, fingers crossed they cared more about keeping the law and allegations of theft away than getting some loon yelling about a lost pony hidden between his cheeks arrested.

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

By the time he saw her, she was gazing toward the women dancing nearby in various states of undress. The Madame gestured toward them and whispered in the redhead's ear. She wasn't really listening, she was gazing at those dancers as they moved in ways she had never learned. She was fascinated. By the time he made it close enough to hear any conversation, pointed toward the woman in question as he tried to reach Cerise, the young woman said, "I..." She trailed off and ached to be where the dancers stood. It was a tempting offer, but at what cost to her?

Then she glanced over toward the crowd, realized what a place she was in and she saw him. Perhaps it was desire to see his face fill with shock, but she lifted a brow and said loudly enough, "It sounds like a promising start," to the Madame. "I'll consider your offer." Her eyes locked onto his, and she seemed to be challenging him.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

the show was still going on, so he could only briefly look at her, he was shocked, and confused. she seemed far to proud for that sort of thing to him. it was too late now. in for a penny and all that. "Now," he began to pace around the room, having mad enough of a scene now that most backed away from him, "I don't wanna point any fingers or nothin, but someone here has my little pony, and he needs to come home." all he could do was hope she would take this time to walk out as he continued. he pointed to a random customer with one of the girls, "was it you!?" he pointed to another random person "maybe it was you!?" his boots made thuds against the floor as he paced "Who here is gonna return my little stallion to me, hmm?"

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

The guards came out to play and she watched about four of them move from one place or another, stalking him in specific. They had never seen him before and he was going on about some stallion or another. She turned and walked through the crowd after bidding the woman adieu, planning to stay far away from this place. She had absolutely no intention on following through with her promise to consider becoming a whore, let alone a dancer who had to work on her back just to be noticed. He was right, she was far too proud to set her sights so low, but she wanted him very much to think she was doing exactly the opposite as she actually was. He wanted to play games, she would play games. That would serve him right. And for now, he would be distracted by security guards as she slipped back outside headed for the market in triumph.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

he went on for a bit longer, security watching him. once he finally did not see her in the room anymore he made a big show of seemingly checking his backside. "oh, wait. sorry folks, seems i was mistaken, hes home safe and sound...thank ye so much for yer attention folks thank you" he turns to another "thank you" he turns to another, "your crotch is still showing." he turns one final time, "and thank you." with that he bolted out the door and into the crowds. He had no idea where she went, so he guessed that was done for the day. maybe he'd get some food, he hadn't eaten yet. So he set off to find a place to get a meal. as he walked he unbuttoned the duster, wondering how long it would be before he could go back in that area of town. Sam hummed softly to himself as he walked.

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

She thought she was done, and then the song reached her ears and she made the mistake of turning her head. There he was, strolling passed her. At least he didn't seem to see her that time. She shook her head and sighed, now she was tired and lost. But at least there was food. Except... She groaned when she realized she left what little coin she had left back at the inn. Her shoulders stooped and she knew that also meant she would have to walk home. But how far was that? Judging by the way the sun had shifted, it was turning into evening and would soon be dark. Damn.

Her victory meant nothing. She found herself just wandering aimlessly at that point, no longer wanting to be near the scents that caused her gut to cramp with hunger. And then she began to wonder what she was doing in England, and the feeling of failure set in, causing her shoulders to stoop a little as she made her way out of the market.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam had in fact seen her. but she took so much effort to get away he didn't want to spoil the day for her. He was, however, still that insufferable mix of actually wanting to help her, and still wanting to mess with her. So he ducked quicky into a bakery and bought a few rolls. it wasn't much but he had to hurry. With that done he paid a kid to run the bag to Cerise along with a verbal message. the kid would run up to her as she was about to leave the market and hand her the bag, saying "at least have somethin on the way home." the child tried to mimic how Sam had said it. and if she looked up he would already be gone, headed back to his hotel.

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