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[Complete] Reporting Crime Is What I Do Best [Doctors, Constabulary, and Court]

205 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 20
Occupation: Reporter for the Whitby Gazette
Registered: Feb 2020

Gareth had been to the police station several times before, mostly to harass the police for information. Today was different. He had information. But that didn't mean he didn't carry a notebook and pencil in his pocket, because who knew what new details he might learn. He just hoped he didn't have to deal with that loafer, Crane. Crane hated his guts anyway (he couldn't think why...) so the constable would probably take extra care to do absolutely nothing with his report. Indeed, Gareth wouldn't have come at all if he hadn't heard about the recent police reforms. 

The young reporter took a deep breath, then stepped inside, moving straight toward the nearest desk that had a constable behind it. "Pardon me, constable, I'd like to report a possible crime."
Constabulary Sergeant

73 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 38
Occupation: Police Sergeant
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 6ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: May 2022

The young constable behind the desk looked up. He knew exactly who it was before speaking "certainly Mr Scott, give me a moment. I will fetch the sargeant" and shortly rose from the desk and went to find his superior.

It wasn't long before he found him. Alasdair and Jamie had not long returned from patrolling the beat. Jamie was attending to a cut on lunas paw and alasdair was wiping down his overcoat with a stiff brush when the constable found him.

"Sargeant, we have a reporter from the whitby gazette. Hes here to report a possible crime. I thought you might want to handle this one incase anything gets said".

Alasdair nodded in response. "Yeah ok. Thats not a problem" he looked to Jamie "finish your husbandry and then come see me. I might need you and one of the dogs"

Alasdair raised to his feet and began walking to the main reception. He stopped and faced the constable "stay with me as a witness" he continued to walk before stopping at the front desk

"Good morning sir, I'm Sqrgeant Maclellan, what can I do you for?"

205 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 20
Occupation: Reporter for the Whitby Gazette
Registered: Feb 2020

Oh great! He was getting to see the big guy himself. He was burning with questions, but sadly, it would have to wait. Gareth was being a responsible person today. Dreadfully dull.

"Gareth Scott, from the Whitby Gazette, sergeant, but that is not what I'm here for today." As he thought of it, perhaps he shouldn't have mentioned it at all. It wasn't as though his articles about the Whitby police had been flattering so far. He tapped his fingers on the desk nervously as he continued:

"But I received an alarming testimony while researching a case. You see? I was investigating Miss Pearl Carrington's elopement with Mr. Blacke - you can read all about it in the last Gazette," nothing wrong with a bit of advertisement while reporting a crime, "- when one of my sources from Oswy street told me they saw Miss Pearl being pulled into a carriage by force and taken away. The witness could have sworn it was a Carrington carriage. It has probably been reported already... My eyes and ears in the Carrington household tell me Miss Pearl is not there. But given the family's record, and the recent incident with Mrs. Carrington..." Yes, Gareth had already caught a whiff of Mrs. Carrington's report against her husband. "Well, I'm rather concerned for Miss Pearl, I mean Mrs. Blacke, properly."
Constabulary Sergeant

73 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 38
Occupation: Police Sergeant
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 6ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: May 2022

Alasdair listened intently. The constable to his side had been scribbling notes down and details. Alasdair briefly remembered the case. He knew it was Albert who was the constable dealing with it.

What Gareth didn't know was that all local papers were sent to the Constabulary every release. He had already read his article and knew exactly what he meant.

Alasdair wondered if he could use Gareth for information if he had contacts. "How do you feel about working alongside us?"

205 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 20
Occupation: Reporter for the Whitby Gazette
Registered: Feb 2020

Gareth had expected the police either to kick him out or to rush to the Carrington manor to look for poor Pearl. Maybe both. The suggestion had him off guard for a moment. He gave the sergeant a puzzled look. "How do you mean?"
Constabulary Sergeant

73 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 38
Occupation: Police Sergeant
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 6ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: May 2022

Alasdair looked at Gareth. "Its simple. Take a look around. All my constables are in uniform. Alot of the families won't talk to the police or won't speak because they fear who is watching" he rubbed his chin "you want front page headlines and I want information. We work together. You pass information onto me and I pass information onto you. What do you say?"

205 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 20
Occupation: Reporter for the Whitby Gazette
Registered: Feb 2020

Gareth eyes the man with suspicious curiosity. It offered potential. But he couldn't help the feeling he was walking into a trap. And then there was Pearl.

"I'm open to it," he said slowly. "But I cannot give you any of the names of my sources. And nobody can know I work with you." He could still be selective in what he offered the police. Toss them scraps in return for juicy bones. "Now what of the young lady? Have you received already checked in on her? Is she safe?"
Constabulary Sergeant

73 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 38
Occupation: Police Sergeant
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 6ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: May 2022

Alasdair nodded. "And I cannot give you names but I can give you information aswell" he thought for a second "but do not take me for a fool. I will not hand over gold nuggets in return for gold flakes. You mess me around and this relationship will dry up very quickly.

He thought for a second and then replied "the area in question falls under Constable Haileys Beat, once he returns from the patrol I will check in with him and follow up on any information, I may go out with himself or send another constable with him to do some door knocking".

He sighed "find me a Constabulary that isn't short staffed these days and your doing well. We are all down on average 10 percent on manpower"

205 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 20
Occupation: Reporter for the Whitby Gazette
Registered: Feb 2020

[CW: Reference to alleged domestic violence, reference to possible family homicide]

The sergeant was kind of sexy when he was serious. "I wouldn't dare," he promised, for all his promises were worth; quite possibly less than the price of a copy of the Whitby gazette.

Constable Hailey, which one was that? The brutish one, or the slippery eel that folk from the Cragg despised, and Gareth therefore mildly appreciated? Or the one whom he had seen shoving pastry into his face on more than one occasion? None of the team seemed particularly helpful. At least it wasn't Crane's beat. Crane would probably accept an invitation to tea and assure the elder Mr. Carrington that he wasn't a dick for murdering his daughter.

"I would appreciate it if you would, sir. I am rather worried for her." Especially as this was something the police had apparently not looked into yet. Anything could have happened to Pearl in the mean time. If Magnus Carrington was able to severely injure his wife for doing nothing wrong, who could tell what he'd do to his daughter for eloping. "Too much time has already been lost," he stressed.
Constabulary Sergeant

73 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 38
Occupation: Police Sergeant
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 6ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: May 2022

Alasdair glanced at the time. It was nearly time for the patrols to head back out on their beats after lunch. He looked at the board of duty constables, his cousin was due to be in the station this afternoon so that would free Alasdair up.

He looked to Gareth "the constables are just about to finish lunch and will be heading back out in the next 10 minutes. I'll head down there personally with constable Hailey and we will start chapping on doors and see what we hear and see. But if you do come across something let me know"

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