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[Complete] I Don't Work Here, I Just Wear The Uniform [Railway Station]

67 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 25
Occupation: Clerk
Height: TBD
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: Sep 2021

"Please come and see us again soon," Norman's parting words to his latest customer were bright and cheery.  Norman had a lot to be bright and cheery about lately. Firstly, he had heard from fellow boat spotters that the screw steamer Dromore Iron from Middlesboro was due to pass by the town soon and Norman wanted to note in his book if she sported a repaired mast from the damage he had observed the last time he had spotted her. Boats aside, Norman was also thankful that he was learning the art of pleasing women, specifically one woman, his future wife. The clerk sighed as he was distracted by passionate remembrances. 

Still need to write mother and father about her. It was as if the universe heard him for at that moment who should burst through the doors? At her beckon he left the counter and rushed to her side.

"Hello, Miss. A pleasure to see you again." he was hers, she was his, but with the nature of their relationship how to address her in public? He wanted to ask "I'm at work, what would you have me do?", but she was gone just as quick, so he had no choice to follow her out onto the pavement.  Norman stuck his head into the carriage and peered at the fellow in a uniform splayed out senseless on the bench.

"Why is there a railway employee unconscious in your carriage, you didn't run him over did you?" A beat. "Oh God! you did, didn't you?"

95 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 20
Occupation: University student
Registered: Aug 2019

Just then, Robert awoke to a throbbing pain in his face. He didn't get up but brought his hand up. There was a warm liquid on his face and his nose felt weird. He sat up, dizzy, disoriented, and anguished. "My face! My face!" he screamed. His nose was broken! His face was broken! He was going to be ugly for the rest of his life.

Wait! Where was he?! He looked at the two people, then around. Stood up. Sank back down on the bench. "My nose is broken!" Fresh blood was spilling over his uniform.

67 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 25
Occupation: Clerk
Height: TBD
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: Sep 2021

The sudden screaming directly into his ear deafened Norman. "Shhh." This man was wailing like an unattended baby in a pram. Where he present at that moment, Norman's taskmaster father could take comfort that his son was being suitably masculine and not the softest one present. "Ssh. It's alright, chap, here." he fished his hanky from his pocket and handed it to him to staunch the flow.

85 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5’5”
Registered: Aug 2021

Normally Lailani would have hugged Norman after all it was in Lailani’s nature to be affectionate as it was just her way but the fact that their was a unconsience man bleeding in her carriage took first spot in things that needed tending to. Hence when she left the workplace quickly and approached the carriage she was a bit taken a back by her fiancées remark.

“Woman can direct carriage just as good as any man. Besides.. he is not dead. I have never killed anyone in England I think” she stated without a moments notice when the railway worker began to scream. The scream had startled the noble lady as she had her attention toward Norman whom she reached for her lovers arm and stepped back from the carriage either out of desire to protect her man or seek his comfort out of momentary fright.

Lailani stepped closer to the carriage with her arms open and a soothing voice although the iorny of her words did not go unnoticed in her mind. “Please, sir your acting hysterical. Simply pinch your nose like so” she demonstrated this by pinching her own nose with her left hand and reached over with her right hand and pinched Normans nose to show how to stop the bleeding… except.. wait did Robert say his nose was broken? That would probably mean pinching it would hurt

95 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 20
Occupation: University student
Registered: Aug 2019

These people irritated him. Could they not take his grave misfortune seriously?! Robert tried to pinch his nose, but it hurt. And so he took the man's handkerchief instead - that had better be a clean one - and put it against his nose. He rested his head against the wooden wall of the carriage, hoping that would somehow ease the splitting headache. "Where am I?" he muttered from behind the handkerchief.

67 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 25
Occupation: Clerk
Height: TBD
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: Sep 2021

"You're outside the Baxter Gate branch of the Northern Building Society. Lady MacKenzie sought my assistance with your situation."

85 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5’5”
Registered: Aug 2021

Lailani nodded along. “Yes, one of my luggage trunks that had bags of rice in it hit you in the face” She said

95 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 20
Occupation: University student
Registered: Aug 2019

Robert cursed. "Could have taken me to a doctor." He had to see a doctor. Right now. Perhaps his face could be saved. Robert got up, still holding the handkerchief against his nose, and he made his way out, only for dizziness to overcome him, and he fell out of the carriage.

67 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 25
Occupation: Clerk
Height: TBD
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: Sep 2021

Norman strangled a giggle at the absurdity of Lailani's tale. Surely that was an occupational hazard for these men? And what an ungrateful man he was! Not even a thank you for the handkerchief. Norman would have to write the railway station about this man's attitude. He stepped back to avoid being run aground by the falling bulk of the man, allowing gravity to do its work.

85 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5’5”
Registered: Aug 2021

“I’m sorry that slipped my mind” Lailani admitted before watching wide eyed as the man fell out of the carriage which she after thought had stepped back from shamefully.

“Perhaps we could take you to a doctor? You just need to remain calm and stop groaning” She said calmly with a smile before approaching the collapsed man and offered her hand to help him up if chose to take it.

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