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[Complete] [CW] Siren [Harbor, Beach, and Sea]
Posting Freak

802 Posts
29 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'2"
Registered: Jul 2019

She nearly dropped her chicken, but then she cleared her throat a little and said, "I would say perhaps it is best to eat food first to give strength?" And then she ducked her head, giggling a little at the dirty little joke that was.

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

Pony gave a slight nod. "Oh indeed. I think we shall dine and then ..well. Let's not decide anything too quick." He smiled warmly as he ate, watching her.
Posting Freak

802 Posts
29 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'2"
Registered: Jul 2019

She went silent as they ate, not in any particular hurry. When she came to dessert, she pulled out chocolate tarts and offered one for him to eat from her fingers as they were one bite little things.

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

Pony was curious about the lingering silence but didn't break it. He was happy to eat quietly and when she offered him dessert, he grinned huge. He took her wrist delicately and nibbled the confection from.her fingers. He didn't let go until his lips brushed over a fingertip and licked a crumb from it. "Delicious."
Posting Freak

802 Posts
29 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'2"
Registered: Jul 2019

She gave a gasp and a shudder, her eyes met his. She felt a particular sizzle slip up and down her spine and she leaned in and her lips found his again for a moment. Lord, but she did like kissing him, that was for certain.

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

Pony smiled and leaned in to hold onto the kiss longer. He smiled and trailed a hand down her side. "Thank you for the meal it was amazing..."
Posting Freak

802 Posts
29 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'2"
Registered: Jul 2019

"I am glad you like my cooking." She murmured as his hand moved over her side. Pearl scooted closer, ignoring plates for now because she was too busy concentrating on him. Her eyes met his and she said softly, "Your lips are softer than I imagined," with a chuckle.

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

"Of course, it is very good. Though I think it might not be the most delicious thing here." Pony smiled and leaned in. "you're more than welcome to keep checking that they remain so." He smiled and kissed her softly again.
Posting Freak

802 Posts
29 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'2"
Registered: Jul 2019

She sighed in content, feeling much better about the situation. Silly woman and her worrying. She took him up on his offer to kiss more, however, and enjoyed the way his lips felt against hers.

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

Pony smiled kissing her softly and stroked her hair before looping his other arm around her and drawing her in close.

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