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[Complete] [CW] Market day [Market, Shops, and Spas]
Market Stall Worker/Black Market

4 Posts
1 Thread

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 19
Occupation: Market Stall Worker/Black Market Dealer
Height: 5ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jul 2022

Louise had been up since the early hours preparing for the market after she had been for a run. Had she gotten up at 3 or was it 4? She couldn't quite remember as it was approaching 6am. The boat had already come in and the fish were on the market stall ready to sell. 

The market was always quiet at this time. Everyone here was from a fishing family and would be getting ready to sell last nights catch. Some of the higher end fish had already been sold to the local hotels which was always a guaranteed sell. Good quality fresh fish was always in demand but it left the lesser stock to be sold off during the day. 

She sat down in her chair behind the stall and thought for a moment. This was gonna be a long day!
Junior Member

31 Posts
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Age: 21
Occupation: Fisherman's wife
Registered: Oct 2019

Maggie too had gotten up early. She envied her sleeping toddler daughter on her arm. There was always more work for a fisherman's wife than there was time in a day, and being pregnant made everything worse. Carrying a child on one arm and a basket of fresh fish under the other was heavy enough. Her belly was big now and her legs hurt. All she wanted was to stay at home, get as comfortable as her body allowed her, and rest.

At least little John was nearly going to school. She had told him to help his aunt Anne today, as he was no use at the market.

When she spotted Louise, she approached. She didn't sell at the market often and she hadn't seen her cousin in a while. Had Louise already been told what her sister was up to? Perhaps she had known for longer. Perhaps Lory had confided in her. Perhaps she had updates. Gossip did make the day pass faster.

"Hey, Louise," she greeted, when he reached the young woman's stand. "Mind if I join ye?" She put her basket down without waiting for an answer, glad to dispose of the weight, and gently shook Hannah to wake her up.
Market Stall Worker/Black Market

4 Posts
1 Thread

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 19
Occupation: Market Stall Worker/Black Market Dealer
Height: 5ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jul 2022

Louise had been minding her own business and was in a world of her own when Maggie appeared. She took a drink from her bottle that sat by the side of her chair before speaking. "Of course you can, you don't have to ask silly! Take a seat" she gestured to the available seat next to her

The market was quiet but Louise knew it would pick up soon and began serving the odd customer in between conversations with Maggie. "Whats new Maggie? Seems like forever since I last saw you!" It did. Louise couldn't remember off hand the last time she had seen Maggie.
Junior Member

31 Posts
2 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Fisherman's wife
Registered: Oct 2019

Maggie offered the younger girl a smile and sat down gratefully, placing her daughter on the ground to play and a hand on her belly. "Nothing much except this one is growing like a cabbage, as ye can see," she replied, nodding at her big belly. Two cabbages, she privately dreaded. There were twins in her husband's family. She should have considered that before marrying him. (She should have considered many things before marrying him.) It hadn't been like this with John and Hannah. She hadn't been as big and fatigued. But she hadn't told her husband her fear - God, he'd be excited -, and she certainly wouldn't tell anyone else. She still hoped it was just a large baby.

"'ow about yerself? 'Ow's yer mum?" To be more precise: How was her mother after hearing about Lory's 'new job' and had there been any recent developments? She left those questions implied.
Market Stall Worker/Black Market

4 Posts
1 Thread

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 19
Occupation: Market Stall Worker/Black Market Dealer
Height: 5ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jul 2022

Louise took another drink from her mug before speaking "you can't be far away now Maggie how much longer do you have?" She honestly didn't know how far along she was but by the looks of it she was ready to pop! She thought to herself that it might be twins with the size, or a large baby........ but she would wait and see.

She sighed "not alot trying to keep the house afloat like everyone else. Its hard with the numbers in the house. I wish da was still here some days and it would make things slightly easier" she tilted her head slightly "thankfully it was a decent catch last night so we have produce to sell!" He gave Maggie a side eye "not that the higher end fish isn't already sold to hotels and restaurants before I came here. I've always got an order book of wanted produce"

She thought for a moment "haven't spoken to ma for a couple of days but she is fairing well. You should stop by and see her with the kids. She'd love to see you all"
Junior Member

31 Posts
2 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Fisherman's wife
Registered: Oct 2019

Not far away. Just what she needed to hear. "Two months," she admitted quietly. But she looked 'not far away'. Twins it was. They would grow up eventually and help out and make life easier for them. Eventually.

How happy she was to at least have drama in another branch of the family to direct her attention to. "Aye, I'll drop by sometime soon." She had never liked aunt Mary much, but she did feel more of a connection now that she was popping out children like a chicken lay eggs herself. At least she understood why the woman always seemed to be nervous and in a bad mood. "And ye better be glad t' hotels and restaurants buy there share. Imagine havin' to sell all of that on yer own."

She rose with a sigh and began to lay out her own fish. Baby Hannah, meanwhile was trying to pull herself up to Louise's lap. "Have ye... heard from Lory lately?" her mother asked.
Market Stall Worker/Black Market

4 Posts
1 Thread

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 19
Occupation: Market Stall Worker/Black Market Dealer
Height: 5ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jul 2022

Louise pulled hannah onto her lap and made her comfortable, "that better little one?" She said before returning her attention back to her cousin.

"I have to be resourceful. Hotels and restaurants pay good money. You know I can sell yours through the hotels aswell. Its a little extra money from what you get selling here. I wont take anything for it"

Louise smiled "ma would like that. She misses seeing you and the kids", she nodded at the mention of her twin sister "I see lory more or less every day. She stays at mines regularly, she left mines this morning when I was heading here"

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