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[CW] Ride or Die
Junior Member

34 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 24
Occupation: Nurse
Height: 5'7
Alias: GreatTallywhacker
Registered: Jun 2022

Evelyn thanked Aslan and took his hand to rise. She didn't expect to have a bag, so her eyes widened a fraction at the mention of it by the doctor. When the man beside her asked if the money would be taken from their paychecks, she glanced towards the door. If they expected a poor girl like her to afford a bag of medical supplies, she'd have to thank them and leave now so as not to waste their time any longer. "I hope that is not the case. I can't afford a bag, I'm sorry." She said as her voice grew a little quieter. She wasn't bothered by not having money, but it was somewhat distressing to not be able to do her job because of it.

171 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He, him
Age: 54
Occupation: Doctor
Height: 5'10"
Registered: May 2020

"They are being given to you. I am paying for them myself. I know exactly what I want both of you to carry. Of course, one bag will differ from the other. One will be for doctor supplies and the other with tools nurses use. That way you both have the things you need on hand. Once I see how you both work with the patients here, I will determine whether to have you in my practice or not."

He led them to the first patient's room. He knocked upon the door and a somewhat plump and petite young lady with raven hair answered the door. "Hello, Mary," he said, "This is Mister Koch and Miss Griffin, we are here to check on you."

Mary opened the door to let them in and then she said, "Doctor Witaker, I am glad you are here..."

"Ah, yes, Miss Griffin will see to you first, madam. She is a nurse..." Then he looked to Miss Griffin and said, "Proceed, if you will?" He gestured, clearly meaning she should be the first to show what she was to do since nurses were the first to greet patients.
Private Eye

302 Posts
11 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 24 (4/19/1871)
Occupation: The law? The crime? Neden diğerleri de olmasın?
Plotter: [Here]
Height: 5'3"
Registered: Jul 2019

Aslan glanced to Miss Griffin. She was poor, then. Poor, and still able to have a respectable career.

Mostly he worked with the Tullys, the Ernests, the Longbottoms of the world: worldly men and women who may well have sprung from the dirt itself. Men and women who were worked from the mud instead of fallen in it.

Law-breaking men and women that he conformed more and more to every day.

“I could--” he started to volunteer, though stopped as soon as Dr. Witaker spoke.

That was a relief, at least. He closed the door behind them, and settled with his hands clasped in front of him beside it. Quietly, he watched.
Junior Member

34 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 24
Occupation: Nurse
Height: 5'7
Alias: GreatTallywhacker
Registered: Jun 2022

Evelyn looked towards the doctor when he called her first. She looked surprised but nodded silently and walked towards the woman and gave her a gentle professional smile. "Hello, Mary, as the doctor said, I am Miss Griffin. It is nice to meet you. How have you been feeling lately?" She asked as she looked at the woman and held out her hand to take her wrist and checked her pulse as she studied the woman. "When was your last menstruation?" She said as if it were nothing. Perhaps the old doctor did not have her talk to people without him in the room very often. "Anything unusual lately?" She would have asked when she last laid with her husband, but knew better to ask for a woman at the Pony.

171 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He, him
Age: 54
Occupation: Doctor
Height: 5'10"
Registered: May 2020

The young woman said, "I just bled two weeks ago..." And then she described a rash that she had, "Tiny little bumps, red, on me side, aye?" She pointed to her right side. Then she lifted her blouse so they could see, and the scent of jasmine would waft over toward them from the soap she used.
Private Eye

302 Posts
11 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 24 (4/19/1871)
Occupation: The law? The crime? Neden diğerleri de olmasın?
Plotter: [Here]
Height: 5'3"
Registered: Jul 2019

Hm. Was it helpful he could say that the tissue was not necrotic? Probably not. He suspected he wouldn’t run into a whole lot of that here.

Aslan clasped his hands behind his back, watching Evelyn check her over. Occasionally, he glimpsed at Dr. Witaker from the corner of his eye.
Junior Member

34 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 24
Occupation: Nurse
Height: 5'7
Alias: GreatTallywhacker
Registered: Jun 2022

Evelyn knelt down to eye the rash and seemed in thought. "Have you changed your perfume or anything, new food, maybe been walking out among some plant life that could have touched you? Could be a reaction to something. Does it hurt anywhere near the spot? Either on it's own or when you touch it?" She said curiously but refrained from touching it with her bare fingers just in case. "You ever have a rash like this before?"

171 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He, him
Age: 54
Occupation: Doctor
Height: 5'10"
Registered: May 2020

"I was gifted some jasmine soap, ma'am," she said, slowly because she was clearly thinking on it. Donald gave a genuine smile.

"What would you suggest for her to do?" He asked, "And how do you think it should be treated?" He was looking between both of them. "I would like you to confer with each other to answer these questions. Mister Koç, you will tell me the first, and you, Miss Griffin, tell me the second. I would like you to show me you can work as a team."

He was considering both of these younger folk, thinking that it would be better for the community to have good health care. He decided on his wife's behalf that he would not only take care of the women that had been affected by the lingering image of the dead owner. Added to that, he wanted to help people out by giving his funding to. He had no heirs to speak of, his wives had both perished and he was old. Maybe he should adopt a child, but that wouldn't be right if he ended up leaving this plane of existence.

Donald knew what he would do then, and it involved more than just these two young folks, it would involve his friend Doctor Wells, for he might just have a proposal that would help both of them out. That was another story for another time, however. He needed to determine if these two folks were worthy of practicing medicine, if they were there for the people with their knowledge. And while he could not teach compassion, he hoped that his own compassion was contagious.

There were too many people needing good healthcare in this day and age, and not everyone had money to give. He did have money to give. He may not be filthy rich, but he was far from poor because of investments. Donald would never try to marry or love again. Two was enough,

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