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[Complete] Votes for Women! [Pavilion and Fairground]

768 Posts
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Registered: Jun 2019

"It's radical women!" Wood shouted. "Hailey was right! They're multiplying!" He drew his baton. "And insane women! That one is talking gibberish!" he shouted. Radical and insane! Were they going to eat him alive? Oh if only he could go back to investigating missing bikes. Crane wasn't helping of course, the criminal-hugging pushover!

Meanwhile the chairman looked at Lailani with big eyes. No one had ever insulted him like this, and certainly not a woman. What was the world coming to! There was so little decency these days. He turned to the constable. "They are interrupting a public event!"

Some people in the crowd began to call for the arrest of the ladies. Bolder members of the audience shouted out that they'd rather watch the ladies than listen to the chairman.
Constabulary Sergeant

73 Posts
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Pronouns: he/him
Age: 38
Occupation: Police Sergeant
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 6ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: May 2022

Alasdair gestured to Wood to take his hand off his baton and turned slightly towards him enough so that he could speak and be heard but not by everyone "easy now lad! Let's not start a riot and make us look like the instigators!" He whistled to Crane "Get over here constable"

He rubbed his chin for a moment and thought. He could really be doing with the other two constables aswell to help but he wasn't sure where they were.

He smirked when he heard the gealic and replied "Fhad 's a dh' fhaodadh mi a bhith na mhac alba. ann an èideadh tha mo dhìlseachd don chrùn agus chan urrainn barail no taobhan a thoirt no a ghabhail."

Translation: while i may be a son of alba. in uniform my allegiance is to the crown and no opinion or sides can be given or taken.

85 Posts
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Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5’5”
Registered: Aug 2021

“O tha mi faicinn. Tha èideadh a’ ciallachadh nach eil cogais agad ceart? Faigh a-mach an fhuil agus am pian a bheir thu do dhaoine eile aon uair ‘s gu bheil an latha deiseil” She said simply to the Scotsman before switching her eyes to the wide eyed bloke who was gripping the baton. “You speak of civility and yet you are the first to brandish a weapon” she said calmly gesturing with a opened hand to show she had no weapon of her own. Then she made a show to the men that her other hand also held no weapon who to her were acting like scared little boys. “Now I am prepared to stay here and knit all the damned day until I get some questions answered about why woman cannot vote” She turned head head to look at some of them woman “would any woman who’d like to vote like to start a sewing circle or knitting circle? I think the front of chairman’s house would be a good location?” She suggested loudly grinning

Translation: Oh I see. A uniform means you have no conscience right? Get to wipe the blood and pain you cause to others once the day is done
Fallen Woman

95 Posts
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Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 25 (10/21/1871)
Occupation: Crossdressing Constable
Height: 6'0"
Registered: Sep 2019

A large, burly constable loomed behind the other large, burly man that was in charge. He looked very young for the towering thing that he was.

Fanny patted her new baton against her fist. If these ladies wanted rights, pff! They could go put on pants and live a lie, too.
The Diamond Pony

159 Posts
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Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 19 (February 25th, 1876)
Occupation: Courtesan
Height: 5'0"
Registered: Jan 2022

“Answer! Her! Question!” continued to roll through the crowd with fists in the air.

A man’s voice had joined its cacophony, too, though Lory wasn’t sure where from.

When the pretty outsider opened her hand, Lory brandished her fist in the air and then opened it with spread fingers to emphasize her point.

A few of the women close enough to hear her looked amongst each other, Lory included.

Did she keep chanting? Did she say yes? … The chanting was easier to yell, so she stuck with that.
Junior Member

15 Posts
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Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 41
Occupation: Vicomtesse Turned Mother
Height: 5'10
Alias: Lily
Registered: May 2022

“But this is the problem is it not?” She spoke up once more, and took to Mr. Crane’s side without so much as a second thought. She was a benefactor of this event, she would be heard. Aurore held out her hands to calm the crowd and to get everyone to listen.

“Interrupting or not, when your audience is displeased, Mr. Chairman, perhaps it is time to stop and listen,” Her eyes went to the other women,

“Of course there is a time and place for everything, but when so often our cries are ignored we feel compelled to speak out when least expected. I have three young daughters who are seeing weapons brandished for simply wanting to be heard?” That French Frigidity that her husband did so love to describe her settled on the men who attempted to calm a fire in which they knew nothing about, but she agreed with Mr. Crane. This was not the way nor the proper place.

One could not expect a man to wish to leave a circle jerk when more than just an ego was to be stroked, and frankly if she were still a gambler her money would be on Lailani.

“Perhaps it is in the best interest of everyone here too in fact let Mr. Chairman continue, and we can submit a formal request for both a demonstrationand work together on a charter? Mr. Chairman your signature upon it would be most welcome.”

768 Posts
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Registered: Jun 2019

"Shut up lady!" A man in the crowd shouted when the vicomtesse held her speech. Both laughter and noises of disapproval rose from behind him.

The chairman took out his handkerchief and nervously wiped his forehead. "I have no opinion on the matter!" he announced. "Please... Make your charter and leave me out of it."

The lady who had initiated the protest tossed down her picket, took a chain and lock from a bag she carried and chained herself to a bar on the podium. "I will not leave before our MP agrees to bring the matter to Parliament!"

"Burn the witch!" a man in the crowd shouted.

PC Wood had a short illusion of hope for his tormented bladder, when the lady suggested packing up and coming back another day. Then it was smashed. How long would it take them to saw through that bar or chain?

Rain drizzled down as a cruel reminder of the elusive wee.

3,154 Posts
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Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah moved towards the sergeant but the obviously displeasure was clear on his face. This was getting out of hand, why did they have their batons out?! He tried to speak softly to calm people as he walked by to get with the others. When he heard someone say burn the witch, he raised his voice. "This isn't the dark ages! There won't be any threats of violence! We must all calm down."

He looked towards his sergeant, somewhat worried he'd be punished for calling out but things were going in a circle and people were only getting angrier. He was just wanting to keep the peace and let this thing end without disaster.
Constabulary Sergeant

73 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 38
Occupation: Police Sergeant
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 6ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: May 2022

He looked towards Miss Mackenzie and without hesitating he replied "of course I have a conscience miss but I also have a duty up hold the law and I'm am bound by my path!" He knew it was useless arguing with her but he had to save face regardless of his own opinion.

Alasdair took a long hard breath and thought for a moment. He knew his team well and played them to their strengths. He turned his head slightly enough to catch Francis' eye "you take Wood and be prepared to create a diversion"

He felt into his pocket and could feel the lock pick set he had on him for emergencies. His friend in Perth had been a locksmith and taught him a few tricks and it had been used to get people out of sticky situations before. He looked to Crane "stick with me kid I may need your help"

85 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5’5”
Registered: Aug 2021

Lailani quite liked Auroe woman’s way of thinking, at least when it came to the logic of the woman’s words which seemed to the younger woman to be more diplomatic which Lailani could appreciate. Hence why she nodded along to the woman’s words and soured when a man shouted for the woman to shut up.  However the raven haired beauties face turned ugly at the very least scowling at the chairman when he had the audacity to say he did not have an opinion. “Even claiming not to have an a opinion is an opinion. Your are essentially saying woman’s suffrage is not concerning enough for me. Or in other words… it doesnt effect you so why should you care.” 

The chaining to the podium was a nice touch that the Hawaiian could get behind. It brought a smile to the woman’s face that only twitched until it weakened under hearing the weight of the word.. witch. Seriously? Why did anyone give these men the right to vote if they still believed in witches? Lailani knew the world was cruel and did not make sense.

Lailani gave the constable and other… what was he the handsome scots sidekick? Never matter. Civility begone, embrace the chaos, the battle of the sexes was on as far as Lailani was concerned. “WOMAN AND MEN WHO STAND FOR JUSTICE FOR THEIR SISTERS, MOTHERS, WIVES, DAUGHTERS, AND THEMSELVES. UNDER NO TERMS CAN WE..” She commanded loudly with a gesturing hand toward the constables and the weak chairman, making way on the stage and to stand beside the woman who had chained herself. Lailani offered her hand to hold in solitude. “ALLOW OUR SISTER TO STAND ALONE.. IN ESSENSE TO QUOTE THE BIBLE ‘And Jesus knew their thoughts OUR THOUGHTS, and said unto them, every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand” Of course Lailani had added an extra word or two but that would not matter hopefully. Her meaning was still the same as she gestured from the podium for supporters to join her and the chained lass. “Block the constables with nonviolenc. Blind them with your god given gifts that only females have if you have to. Build are barricade with yours corsets tied together just as the man have built a barricade of self righteous Adamhood” In fact Lailani was so frustrated that she began to remove her corset in protest (I do not know how corsets work)

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