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[Complete] In-Laws are Still Sisters [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Retired Cowgirl

290 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: She Her
Age: 31
Occupation: Hopeful Nun
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Jul 2019

Kitty smiled slightly. "You should tell him, I think it would mean a lot to him. Certainly if it's true." She really wanted the family to be more appreciative of him and show that they care.

The mention of children had her laughing. "What? No! I would have been furious if someone suggested I needed kids ta live a happy life. I think it depends and it's more personal. What do you think ya need ta be happy?" She looked at Ruth curiously.

Kitty leaned her head back into the seat. "Hum away!" She was comfortable but was going to get up soon so she could show the woman around. She wanted to show her how hard Uriel had worked and how beautiful the home was, even if it wouldn't impress her.

The list of things against her had her laugh. "Those are silly things to be bothered about. I thought it was something serious." She grinned. There were worse things to have against her: her health, her father, her catholicism. Kitty took the glass and slowly went inside. "I hope you like what ya see."
Junior Member

47 Posts
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Pronouns: She/her
Age: 31
Occupation: Singer/Composer/Singing teacher
Height: 5'5''
Registered: Mar 2022

What, tell nice things to Uriel? And why would she do that? Would Uriel want to hear that from her? Assuming he’d believe that at all. “I will if there will be the occasion.” she reassured Kitty. She very much doubted that could ever be the case, but she wanted to show some good will.

Kitty didn’t mean that. Ruth bent her head to the side and tried to imagine “I want to create. That is what I want the most. And when I am done with it, I don’t want to be lonely.” it was quite simple, really. She looked away a little. It was odd to have such a conversation with someone who was technically family.

Ruth started to hum a light melody, something that came across as very nostalgic and sweet. Even like that, her voice had a rare strength. Her calling was clear even just like that.

Ruth shrugged and shook her head. The last one was probably a concern anyway, but they would not discuss such matters with Ruth for the most part, considering she was’t exactly the best of Jews herself. Ruth nodded approvingly. She saw the charm of Kitty’s world, if not for herself, at least objectively.
Retired Cowgirl

290 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: She Her
Age: 31
Occupation: Hopeful Nun
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Jul 2019

Kitty nodded with a smile as she let it be. She would make there be a situation if she had any say in the matter.

She nodded in thought. "I never thought about bein' lonely before I met yer brother. I always just lived for the moment, but ... I am sure there's someone for everyone." She said with a shrug then leaned towards Ruth showing more interest in her next question. "What do you create?"

She smiled as she listened to the melody. It was very pretty, but she didn't recognize it. She closed her eyes to enjoy it and waited until she had finished to applaud her, even if it was just her it seemed like the right thing to do after a wonderful performance. "What song is that?"

Kitty was happy to show her around, every room but the nursery as she didn't want to risk waking Abe. "Thank you for comin. You really are a delight." She did like Ruth so far and hoped it didn't change.
Junior Member

47 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 31
Occupation: Singer/Composer/Singing teacher
Height: 5'5''
Registered: Mar 2022

Kitty was really sweet. Much sweeter than she had expected. But then again, she didn’t have precise expectations for her personality, as much as for her attitude towards any member of the family.

Instead, she met a human that communicated like a decent human. And she managed that even though her surname was Meijer! Figure that. The interest took her by surprise, so much so she wasn’t even sure what to reply. “Music.” Was all she managed to say, but she said it with a beautiful smile, the sorts she made very rarely.

Kitty asked about the song and Ruth turned “Mh? Oh, just something I wrote a few years back. Nothing fancy really, just… a light melody one can sing.” Somehow, she was getting self conscious. Was it possible that Kitty had just joined the three people in the world whose opinion she valued? She brushed the thought aside. She didn’t need that to happen or to even have the notion of it in her head for that matter.

Ruth nodded and was taken aback by that comment. Her faced said too much, so she added “Oh. Never heard that one before.” she laughed, looking a little less sarcastic than her usual self. She was being honest, she just didn’t know how to look it.
Retired Cowgirl

290 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: She Her
Age: 31
Occupation: Hopeful Nun
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Jul 2019

It must have been her imagination. She was enjoying her time with her new sister in law and finding the woman much better than the siblings she had met to her sweet Uriel. But it seemed the woman was letting down a defense and being more... what was the word? Human? Personable?

"Music? Oh.. that's a beautiful gift. I ain't never had much talent in the arts meself. But I do love a good song." She said looking at Ruth impressed. When she told her that the song she'd just heart was written by her, her eyes widened. "Ya must be pulling my leg! Really? That's so pretty, I was for sure thinkin it was something written by one of them famous people. But you wrote it? It was really nice, I could listen to it a lot. You write more? I'd love ta hear it some time. Or if you play anything, but I'm quite happy ta hear yer voice. It's very pretty. Like.. an angel's!" She nodded and smiled. Angels were supposed to be very good singers.

Kitty tilted her head, her hair almost the same shade as Ruth's. Their age was identical, not that she knew. They were such different people with different back grounds, but she could call her sister. "Really? Even yer brothers? Well, I do think yer delightful. And I will be happy ta call you sister, and you can call me the same. If'n ya want to."
Junior Member

47 Posts
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Pronouns: She/her
Age: 31
Occupation: Singer/Composer/Singing teacher
Height: 5'5''
Registered: Mar 2022

If Kitty had shared her impression, Ruth would have assured her that Whitby had yet to see a human Meijer. Luckily, she limited herself to behaving like an half decent human when receiving actually kind words.

Ruth shrugged and gave one of her fast and ready answer “Oh thank god! We need a vast audience to enjoy the music and probably half the people who fancy themselves componist to actually put together notes. A music lover with no musical talent is something we all deserve in this world,” she didn’t filter herself, not because she was trying to appear shocking, but because she didn’t feel it was necessary to pretend she wasn’t. Ruth shook her head. No, she had wrote it. She laughed “I hope I will. I shall be very disappointed if I can’t put together something better.” Ruth shook her head “Uriel has told you nothing, mh?” she wasn’t even disappointed or surprised, she was just checking.

The distance between them was remarkable on paper, but somehow getting along was so terribly easy. Ruth chuckled “Oh, especially not my brothers. You have met them, no?” and she thought about it for a second “If you’d like that, sure,” thought sisterhood was always somewhat complicated in her experience.
Retired Cowgirl

290 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: She Her
Age: 31
Occupation: Hopeful Nun
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Jul 2019

The words about music lovers was such a strange comment, she wondered if she was being insincere, but the woman seemed genuine so Kitty immediately smiled at her. "I hope ya share with me all yer songs. If they are even half as good, they'll be beautiful!"

With the question about Uriel she pondered for a moment. "He's told me lil.. least I remember. But ta be fair, the last few months before Abe was born, my memory's been a bit hazy."

She was indeed, truly at ease around Ruth. Most women seemed to find her too crass for their preferences, so it was nice to have someone she could consider a friend. She leaned on her cane and nodded to the other then blinked. "Well I know Uriel who is sweet, and I'm surprised he's never said something of the like ta you. Zechariah on the other hand.." She shook her head. "Different as night and day those two."
Junior Member

47 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 31
Occupation: Singer/Composer/Singing teacher
Height: 5'5''
Registered: Mar 2022

Ruth laughed out aloud, without any shame and without trying to make her laughter smaller. She laughed like a master brewer thrice her size in width. “They aren’t, but I shall make sure you get to hear the best ones,” though would that mean Uriel would hear them too? Maybe for once one of her siblings would stop to listen to what she had dedicated her life to.

Ruth shook her head, took a long sighed, raised her chin, and laughed “It’s hard to have things stick into your mind if they don’t have a voice, a face, or a smell,” though half of her voice would have sufficed, let’s be real.

With a small sound of her long mouth, Ruth disapproved “They are. And yet there is something that makes them… us all similar if you will. Is Uriel different? Does he speak… plainly? With others, I mean,” Ruth was starting to get the feeling she didn’t know her brother at all. But also, she was aware that love changes us.
Retired Cowgirl

290 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: She Her
Age: 31
Occupation: Hopeful Nun
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Jul 2019

Kitty shook her head and grinned nearly ear to ear. "So humble. I know what I hea and I know what I like!"

The woman nodded in agreement and tapped the side of her head. "I'll not forget now. Your stuck in here now. And I'll be sure to listen closed ta uriel in case I did just forget." She was sure if he mentioned his family it wasn't usually very positive. Surely he hadn't mentioned Ruth then?

"Oh? You've all seemed a bit different ta me. " She seemed confused by the question. "He has been pretty upfront and blunt with people if that's what you mean."
Junior Member

47 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 31
Occupation: Singer/Composer/Singing teacher
Height: 5'5''
Registered: Mar 2022

Ruth giggled a little, which in her mouth sounded like a normal laugh because of how loud it was. “That you do, no doubt.” After all, she had wanted Uriel despite him being… well, her brother.

Ruth chortled a little. Sometimes she thought her family intended to forget about her. Though at this point Uriel sounded like a very different person from what she remembered. They had many years of difference, Ruth had to admit and perhaps he just thought differently about her these days, if at all. She did wonder a bit “I am curious to hear your report,” she tease.

Ruth sighed. She wasn’t sure how to describe it. “It is not what I mean. But I am not sure I can describe it.” She shook her head and stood up. “Shall we talk a look? I’d love to see your favourite part of the property.”

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