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[Complete] [CW] What makes us human?

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

"Thanks..." Simon said. He took the tea and blew over it to cool it. He sat back down and wrapped his hands around the cup. "I made a fool out of meself. Ye got better things to do. Sorry..."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah shook his head. "My job- my life is helping. You were having a bad night. If I can help a friend, it makes my dad. So I am feeling like maybe it'll be a good day since I found you and you didn't have to be left out on your own." So no apologies. Focus on feeling better and I will be one happy man."

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

Simon gave him a smile, but stopped smiling, because it hurt his head. "Thanks. ... What brought you back from York?"

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah cracked a weak smile. "I didn't have what it takes. They said I'm too nice. I like being home again though. Miss so many faces. And I do feel better being around people I know."

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

Elijah was a kind man, and had been a kind teen when Simon was a child. Surprisingly kind for what he had been through. He supposed taking pity on criminals was what had finally made him lose the job. Well, he was home here. The whole fishing community had basically felt responsible for him and made sure to look out for him when his parents had died. Elijah had been at their place a lot and his parents had always treated him with kindness. To Simon he had been like a cousin or a much older brother who had already moved out.

"Well, I'm glad you're happy to be back." He almost told Elijah that he would hate it and that he was planning to go to York one day and never come back, but he held his tongue in case Elijah talked. When father had found out about his plan before, he had gone ballistic. "What's York like?" he asked eagerly.

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah looked sincerely happy he was happy about his return. It reminded him of all of he good things in the town. The other question though had him in thought. He dragged his fingers through his hair as he considered what to say before speaking. "It's.. an exciting town. Big place, very crowded compared to here. There is a lot of opportunity, but it also means lots of bad opportunity too. There are too many people to know those around you, and everyone is too busy with themselves to try to get to know others. You feel like you are in a sea of strangers. And that seems to be a special place to breed crime, that's why they are always looking for good people to help stop it. I liked it from where I was coming from, but I suppose if it wasn't for the job I am happier here. Though I can't recommend it enough for just a visit."

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

"I want to go there one day." And never come back, he added in thought. "People not poking their noses into your bussiness all the time sounds great to me."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah chuckled weakly. "I am sure it is annoying. Your dad still sees you as his little boy. He is concerned. I was when I found you last night. Even if you aren't hurting, if you appear to be troubled people come closer. They want to help and be there in case you need them. I'm sure people just want to remind you that you aren't alone and they are there to help. Like me. But only if you ask. I certainly respect you are a man now, Simon. Your choices are your own. I can only hope you make the right ones. If you ever have questions or need a hand, you know where to find me right?"

He knew to be careful. Offer, but not demand. He had to suggest the possibility of trouble but he wouldn't assume it. Simon was rebellious  in his eyes and he couldn't blame him. His life was hard and probably had so much to be desired. He stood and patted his shoulder.  "Let's  have breakfast. You want eggs?"

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

That was a bit much for a morning with a head ache, though he knew Elijah was trying to be kind. "Thanks," was all he muttered. Elijah's offer of eggs was received with more enthousiasm. "Yes please." he said eagerly. He barely ever ate eggs. "Just give me a moment to freshen up." He made his way to the bathroom and washed his face. Ewww, dried up vomit. Then he realized he had splashed his clothes as well and tried to wash it out as well as he could. Had he vomited over Elijah as well? He could remember very little. Simon returned to the living room sheepishly.

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah perked up and started on the eggs. He could hear him wash for a while as he made sure there was plenty off eggs for Simon since he was probably famished. When he returned, he waved slightly. "They are almost done." He tilted his head at his expression. "Everything alright ?"

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