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[Complete] A slight shift on the axis [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

What she recalled was much different to what actually happened. She wouldn't even remember what happened, that she'd fainted. Her eyes remained closed as she lay there prone. Jacob calmed soon enough, though he watched on with a surprisingly curious expression as if he worried for his mother. It was Doc Witaker who answered the call as he was already nearby. It would take at least fifteen minutes or so for someone to return with him in tow.

The bewhiskered man with a kindly disposition came into the room with his supply bag in hand. He did not say much at first, making sure to check her heartbeat and the way she breathed. Then he asked necessary questions just before producing some smelling salts and waving them around just an inch or two near her nose. Ruth opened her eyes in startlement at the sharp scent of amonia assaulting her nostrils. Ugh. The doctor capped his bottle and returned it to his bag before holding first one of her eyelids open to check her eyes as he, assuming he was caught up with a brief explanation by that point, he would say, "You gave people quite the scare, young lady. Can you tell me your name?"

Of course she could... It was.... it was........ what... was it? Her head was throbbing and she winced as he thumbed her eyelids as doctors would do. "Ruth?" she said after some hesitation. Yes. It was Ruth, she was able to discern that the whimpering sound came from her own child and that the last thing she remembered was cleaning the tea pot. Everything after that was a blurry mess within her thoughts. It took a longer moment for her to realize she was in her own bed, and she recognized Edward who seemed to be watching over her protectively.

The doctor himself caught the way she beheld Mister Blackwood's face. If the two other staff members saw what he himself saw, it was fairly obvious that Ruth seemed a bit longing and vulnerable as she gazed at the man. If his vigil over her hadn't spoken, that moment would probably have done so. However, the young woman's eyes seemed to dart away as if in a guilty way, and she would force a neutral expression. Donald's gaze fixed upon the pair for a long moment before clearing his throat dutifully, "It seems to have been a fit of the nerves. I suggest you spend the next day or two at rest. I will leave the smelling salts in case this happens again. Has this kind of thing happened before, madam?" She shook her head.

He requested a few moments alone with the young miss to discuss in private what happened so he had a better understanding as to what to do from there. Once the doctor was done in there, he came out of the woman's room and gave a heavy sigh, "I would allow Miss Blacke some time away from her duties and someone ought to keep an eye on her in the meantime. I've referred her to someone who might be of better help to her. She's a resiliant young lady considering the whole town now knows of things they ought not judge the way they do. Her family is under quite a bit of scrutiny." The man produced the paper that had been given to the doctor only moments before, one he had already read over breakfast another day and just so happened to put two and two together. He then left them to whatever conclusions that would draw.

Meanwhile, Ruth lay on her side, staring off at some random point upon the wall. She was still slightly pale.
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Pronouns: He, Him, His
Age: 28
Occupation: Inventor
Height: 6'1"
Registered: Nov 2020

Whether or not anyone had guessed about Ruth's burgeoning feelings for Edward yet or not would not be found out for some time. No one was going to pressure her about the look she gave him when she saw him sitting by her bed while she was still fresh from her episode. It was doubtful that the man himself noticed and as for his own feelings, it was hard to say, his concern was evident but how deep it ran and the reason behind it was hard to tell with him so muddled.

Edward did prove reluctant when asked to leave. He'd been relieved to see Ruth up and aware of herself once more but with her episode so recent he wasn't sure if she was alright. Eventually, he'd given way to the doctor's request though and stepped outside to wait for further information. When it was suggested she be given some time away from her duties he nodded his head even before Mister Lane could speak up.

"Of course, she will be taken care of."

Of that, there could be no doubt. It was becoming readily apparent to most who knew his story that, at least in part, he must be transposing his guilt and shame about failing his wife and unborn child and transposing at least some of those feelings onto the single mother and her babe. The man was clearly fiercely protective of her. How deeply and completely he'd done so in his mind was impossible to tell, he didn't seem delusional so it was hard to say how dangerous this might be to his mental health.

Either way, it was made abundantly clear to the staff that even if Ruth was not working for her keep she didn't need to do so. Not while Edward had what authority he did. It wasn't as though the family couldn't afford it and his younger brother would not jeopardize Edward's slowly recovering mental health by going contrary to his wishes. For the moment Ruth was safe and as she stared at the wall she heard the door open.

Edward stepped back in and settled a potted plant on her table. A sprig of Lavender he'd had Albert take from the garden, the scent of it was supposed to be calming. Since her episode seemed to have been inflicted by issues of the mind his thought was that such a plant would help her avoid further issues. Since she had her back turned to him he assumed she must have fallen back asleep so he turned to leave without a word to let her rest.
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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

It was the sound of the pot touching the table that seemed to cause a stir. She sat up, her face drawn and pale as she regarded him with a gaze that could be considered unreadable. She said very softly, "Don't... please don't go." Her eyes were rooted to him. "Stay just a little longer..." Ruth wanted to reach out but her hands remained in her lap.
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Pronouns: He, Him, His
Age: 28
Occupation: Inventor
Height: 6'1"
Registered: Nov 2020

"Hmmm." Edward started slightly at the sound of her voice and turned. He blinked in surprise as a small frown curled the edge of his lips and moved a few feet closer to the bed.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you? I thought you were asleep."
Senior Member

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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

"Nay, ye didn't wake me," she said. She swallowed and averted her gaze, "I didn't mean ta faint... t'isn't me. I don't... do that." She gave a humorless laugh/snort. "I need ta ask ye somethin'," she murmured, her eyes now firmly rooted on her hands which folded into her lap. "Should I go? Should I take me boy somewhere else, to a place where I can start o'er?" She looked up then, her eyes guarded as they peered at him. There was a deep pain written in her eyes no matter what she did to try and stop it.
Senior Member

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Pronouns: He, Him, His
Age: 28
Occupation: Inventor
Height: 6'1"
Registered: Nov 2020

The question made Edward blink in surprise since he hadn't expected it. He considered her for several long moments trying to fathom what might have brought it on. He couldn't think of any reason why she would ever think she should leave and his answer was slow, thoughtful, and measured.

"I do not know if you should. I don't think you should, I'd rather you didn't. But I don't know why you would be considering such a move in the first place. I think you belong here, however, if you don't feel the same I don't know how to fix that."
Senior Member

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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

"Me family is under scrutiny by all o' Whitby now, sir..." she said, the words tasting foul in her mouth. She sighed, then took a deep breath to talk but then let it out in a second sigh. "Me brother married a Carrington on a whim, me other brother is about ta do the same with someone none o' us met too, I did so and then... If I could tell ye what I feel now and that vile man who wrote that article were ta find out, I would die from shame and take me family with me." Then she dropped her eyes once more and swallowed heavily.

"I fear if I don't go, me own heart'll get me inta more trouble than ye can comprehend. I've no business feeling the way I do. If I don't go, everyone'll see soon enough and there will be ears and eyes where there ought not be. Shame is already on me head for elopin' with Angus and he pretends ta want me back but really wants me boy. I couldn't bear it if me own shame was reaped upon ye and yer family, yer staff too. Ye've all treated me so kindly despite the things ye know about me."

She finally gazed back up with true grief in her eyes over her feelings. It took her a moment to work up the nerve to speak the next words, "Especially ye... Ye trusted me with yer grief... Ye trusted me with yer burden. I don't wish ta add to that."
Senior Member

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Pronouns: He, Him, His
Age: 28
Occupation: Inventor
Height: 6'1"
Registered: Nov 2020

Edward listened expression thoughtful even if most of what she said was lost upon him. He did not keep up with the local gossip and even if he did, he wouldn't have cared much about it. He had never been one to let himself be overly concerned with the opinions of other people. He often felt that those who gossiped too freely did more to reflect their own poor behaviour than others.

"I would not say that I understand what you are going through."

He said slowly after she finished speaking, he measured his words slowly, carefully not wanting to rush to any judgment.

"But I would say that in this Manor the gossip of the town holds very little sway. I cannot, rightly, tell you what would be best for you and young Jacob. But you will both always have a home here should you need it."
Senior Member

389 Posts
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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

She was glad that he didn't think or presume that it was he who she wished would wrap her in his arms and hold her in the manner that a gentleman is not allowed to. Her eyes dipped from his face and she said, "I don't know what ta do, so I will think about it." Her mouth curled downward some more as she regarded him. Thankfully, she hadn't made him realize it was he who was holding the very end of the string that now entangled her heart.

"Could we go to the Garden, sir? I think some air might do me some good."
Senior Member

386 Posts
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Pronouns: He, Him, His
Age: 28
Occupation: Inventor
Height: 6'1"
Registered: Nov 2020

"If you are feeling well enough to move then I see no reason we can't."

Edward said with a nod of his head. He even went so far as to offer her his arm, he assumed she was probably feeling a bit weak still but fresh air was good for the consituation so he was sure this was a capital idea.

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