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[Complete] The Angel Hotel Charity Ball [Hotels, Pubs, and Accommodations]

85 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5’5”
Registered: Aug 2021

Lailani had almost so lost in thought over where she would place the hypothetical device if she were to rent a part of the property here that she nearly missed catching sight of Norman, her fiancé. Once she did her brown almond eyes were on him, noticing how the poor man looked uncomfortable. Oh her poor wet cat that was Normy. Perhaps she could distract him with conversation? She thought as she practically ran over to Norman as best she could in her fancy shoes and dress. “Aloha Norman” she said cheerfully as she gently touched his forearm, then gave it a comforting squeeze as she leaned a bit and whispered to the mans ear. “You look adorable tonight” she whispered with her warm smile. “Would you like to dance? Do you want to try the food?” She said trying to distract norman from getting stuck in his own head as Lailani thought the man was plagued with worry driven mind.
Junior Member

32 Posts
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Pronouns: He, him
Age: 22
Height: 5'8"
Registered: Feb 2022

"Who do I ask to properly court you?" he then asked, "As it seems we have so much in common. I would very much like to get to know you more and properly court you." He was serious, and she would see that easily enough. He smiled at her, "Would you like some refreshment or would you like to dance another?" He had just declared his intentions right then and there.
Junior Member

22 Posts
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Pronouns: He, Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Officer
Height: 6'0"
Registered: Jul 2021

Thorne had the distinct feeling that there was a shift in the matrix. He remembered that the Carringtons were like cockroaches; where there was one, there were surely more to follow. He was not wrong. He turned his back on her before she could spot him, "Miss Ennington, I shall return momentarily with refreshment." -- And then he slipped away smoothly, melting into the crowd.

95 Posts
6 Threads

Age: 18
Height: 5'3''
Registered: Apr 2021

The audacity! Catherine didn't think anyone had ever spoken to her this rudely, and certainly not a supposed gentleman. Her eyes narrowed a little, but she kept her cool. She was too well-bred to return his rudeness.

Just then another young man broke in, and Catherine didn't know whether to appreciate the gesture or to feel frustrated with him as well. She didn't need rescuing by someone she believed was the officer who had recently returned to Whitby. Cullpeper, was it not? What did he have to his name? Dancing with him would be almost as embarrassing as dancing with a Carrington, and yet the way he phrased his words forced her to either accept or humiliate him, and she didn't want to do either.

And then he humiliated her by clearly making a beeline for some other lady! The discourtesy! The Catherine couldn't prevent some colour showing on her usually pale cheeks. And just after that Carrington had made his nasty comment too!

Maybe they should have gone to London after all. Clearly, Whitby was full of baseborn, ill-bred men who thought that because they had earned a few pennies more than their fellow plebeians, they suddenly had a place in proper society. She was certain the men she'd meet in London society would never be so uncivil.

She turned back to Mr. Carrington. Her eyes nearly shot fire. "Sir, I can only assume your ungentlemanly behaviour is the result of either unfamiliarity with better society than your own, or of willful incivility. In either case, I believe it is evident we should not be acquainted. Good evening." She offered him a nod rather than a curtsy and walked away in the direction of her mother.
Blood-Shy Future Surgeon

78 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 19
Occupation: Student
Registered: Jul 2019

Roderick smirked, a bully in his element for these gossamer few moments the upper hand would last.

“Your escort just ditched you, and no wonder so shall I!”

He turned around, still gloating … only to see available men. Unaccompanied men. His sister, and then more unaccompanied men. His face fell.


154 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 21
Occupation: Embroiderer?
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Feb 2022

The question that came from Maxim was such a normal question, but at that moment it brought tears to her eyes. Her parents were all the way in London and wouldn't give a damn what she was doing or with who. And Malachi... She felt abandoned and that no one in the world cared about her beyond her social friends. She immediately grabbed a handkerchief dabbing her eyes in complete embarrassment. 'I am so sorry. Ah, there is.. no one. My parents are not in town and would probably not care about the effort. My guardian had left me and I've no idea where he could be found. "

She tried to regain her composure immediately and smiled but with the joy in her face faded. "I would like that so very much. I am sorry I do not have a way for you to properly go about it. I hope it doesn't bother you too much. If you change your mind, I understand." She still walked slowly towards the refreshments. "I think a little break, just for a few moments would be wonderful, if it is alright? I do want to forget my worries for just one night. And I can't think of a better place than beside you."
Junior Member

32 Posts
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Pronouns: He, him
Age: 22
Height: 5'8"
Registered: Feb 2022

He offered his handkerchief politely, not awkwardly but in empathy. Then he offered his arm to usher her to the refreshment table. "Oh, no... That doesn't change my mind at all, Nettie, I still wish to court you. I just... wanted to do it properly out of respect for you is all." He offered a smile, looked into her big blue eyes and wished he could reach out and touch her face but it would be highly improper. The lad got her something to drink then and offered it to her. "Here now, have a sip and take a nice, deep breath. I am not going anywhere unless you want me to." He glanced over toward his sister and then did a double take. "I... think I might need to throttle a Carrington," he muttered. He hadn't seen Mister Culpepper so he was not in his sights, but Roderick Carrington sure was.
Blood-Shy Future Surgeon

78 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 19
Occupation: Student
Registered: Jul 2019

Hm. That strangely familialr looking fellow with the gorgeous blonde was no longer dancing with her. Maybe he could swoop in.

Little did he know the danger he was walking into.

“Care to dance?” he said, suddenly at Nettie’s side.

154 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 21
Occupation: Embroiderer?
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Feb 2022

Nettie couldn't even begin to explain her gratitude towards Maxim as she took his handkerchief for her eyes. It was so humiliating to cry like this in such a place but she managed to at least stop the tears quickly.

"You're so very kind and wonderful. I wouldn't worry about it. I suppose I can write my parents, but they will be fine with it. Or at least not against it." She said quietly and offered him a pained smile before taking the offered drink and sipping a little. It helped her suddenly dry throat.

She shook her head and held the fabric at his sleeve with two fingers very lightly so he could easily pull free. "I would rather you stay. She let go though when she noticed he was looking at someone. She had heard of the Carringtons, it seemed a target for a lot of rumors lately. "Ah, well.. do be careful."

The moment she was alone, another man was beside her as if the earth had spit him up. Surprise was clear on her face as she looked at him. She gripped her drink a but more firmly and tried to offer him a polite but apologetic smile. "Ah, I'm sorry but I'm enjoying some refreshment. And I already have someone to dance with as soon as i am ready. But ..thank you for wishing to dance with me." She didn't normally have this situation so her words stumbled a little.
Junior Member

32 Posts
1 Thread

Pronouns: He, him
Age: 22
Height: 5'8"
Registered: Feb 2022

He didn't get very far before the little bastard tried to leech a dance off of his girl. First, he'd clearly insulted his sister, and now he was scheming on his Nettie? Hell no! Maxim moved to her side, his eyes narrowed. "I don't think you'll find anyone who wants to dance with you, Mister Carrington. I suggest you stay away from Miss Brennan as well as my sister if you know what's best for yourself." He kept his voice calm but there was a glint in his eye that promised bodily harm if he didn't back off. "Why don't you tend to your own sister? She looks lost."

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