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[Complete] The Rose Red Angel [Hotels, Pubs, and Accommodations]

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

"In your room? I can't rightly put her in your possession if she is sleeping in the same room as you. It is not decent. I probably ought not to left her with a stanger either..." The old man sighed and set the woman back in the chair. "I just... can't continue to take care of her right now with my own family needing me at home and she isn't well. She barely takes any food and works too hard for it." He sighed, "I shouldn't be asking you to care for her either but I am out of options for the time and I would hate to see the poor lass in a work house where the conditions are horrible. Best someone help the poor lamb out." Cerise curled up in the chair.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam laughed, "I know i've been comin on to the lady, but you misunderstand me. other than my belongins i haven't even been in that room. Still i see yer point. if i did stumble back in drunk it wouldn't look good atall." he had a rather large chunk of change from what he had managed to take from the last heist, not mansion never work again money but enough to be comfortable for a bit. "gahddammit." Sam reached into his pocket, turning away from the old man as he counted out some money. why? Maybe he was an idiot, maybe he was too generous, but most likely after everything he had been through over the last month the combination of the old timer needing to help his family and the girl seemingly being alone just got to him. once finshed he turned back around "put er up in a hotel for a bit if that helps. Should be enough for a few days anyhow." he picked up his duster and put it on, taking another look at cerise as he did so, then adjusted his hat. "Suppose if she asks you where it came from just say from someone too damned dumb to know if he should check his ass or scratch his watch."

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

He nodded, and then the lass would be transferred quietly toward the nearest inn and a doctor sent for first thing in the morning.

It would be days later. She had been given a clean bill of health, enough for her to be able to work. Of course, she did not lose the job at the tavern, but was bid to take a few days to orient herself better in her surroundings. She had found her way to a more secluded beach, her hair hanging down over her shoulders, though pulled back out of her face with a tattered bow. She glanced around her, glad to see that there were no other souls hanging about before she shed the outer clothes she wore, dropping shoes and hose as well.

At last, she thought, she could stretch.

She moved to walk across a flat stone, one big enough to hang over the water. She started doing her positions and movements. Her form was graceful, practiced, precise. Each plie, arabesque and pirouette was done with her eyes closed in joy. A slight smile formed on her face.

She knew she was being risky, she knew that she could be set upon at any moment but she did not care. She was lost and alive and feeling the way the wind curled around her as if to guide each move she made. How she wished she actually had way to listen to music, but the surf and the wind served as sound enough to dance to.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam wasn't sure where he was going, after his encounter in the tavern he had started to drink again. Two shots of rot gut in though he suddenly stopped. He wasn't sure why but the urge took a back seat to a more important though. This was no way to live, no way to spend what his adopted family had given him at the last. Cerise came to mind, and what the old man had told him about her working herself to the bone and not taking much in return. "Sunofabitch..." He sighed, paid for his drinks and got up to leave. the next day he was looking for work, having a tidy sum of money was nice, but it would not last forever. he made a few contacts, tried to get a feel for what was about the area. then for maybe the first time in a while went back to his hotel. for a few days after that he simply got himself in order. He bought supplies for himself, and actually got a shave for the first time in months, some new clothes and even a bath. He did not however replace his duster, that had sentimental value to him, instead having it cleaned along with the rest of his clothing. He cleaned up rather nice, clean shaven and actually presentable instead of smelling like old alcohol and sweat. Sam ensured all his belongings were in place. His rifle most of all, then locked up the room and left again, pitching the inn keeper some extra to watch his things.

At length he was tired of interacting and job searching, he needed some peace for a moment. Sam found himself walking down a beach. absent minded and just listening to the waves. He had not seen a beach until he fled the US, so it was kind of nice to just take one in for a change. he didn't pay much attention to the dancing figure until he got closer and saw that it was cerise. Now the right thing to do would have been to let her be...So he moved closer to her, not so much sneaking, but for sure making sure he wasn't too loud. 25 feet away he could see her outer clothing had ben removed. Now the proper thing would be to not stare an quietly leave...So Sam stood there and watched her dance, even worked his way in closer. 15 feet away, now the right thing to do would try to gently announce his presence while looking away from her current state of undress...Sam kept watching her performance, noting the look on her, eyes closed with that light smile. He couldn't help but smile as well.

Sam waited until there was either a lull in her performance or she stopped, and only then would he announce himself. Well, not really announce himself so much as begin clapping loudly for several seconds before speaking over the sound "Now that doesn't look like a lost woman! that's a woman who is where she wants to be doin what she loves to do!" and he continued to clap.

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

He scared the bejesus out of the poor woman. She gave a shriek and then darted for cover. Of course it'd been him. She was now stuck in a predicament... Behind a rock in her underthings with a man right by her. Not just any man, but the one who she was told helped her yet she was not wanting help from. Why, the gall of him, sneaking upon her and clapping as if he mocked her. She sighed. Now what was she going to do? She couldn't just march on up to her clothes with everything on display like some hoyden. She sniffed indignantly.

"If you wouldn't mind, Monsieur, I should be getting dressed," she said loud enough for him to hear even if he couldn't see her right at the moment. Her heart beat pretty hard even still as she sought to recover her composure.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

he stopped clapping, the shriek of surprised fear she gave made him laugh a little. when she mentioned getting dressed he grinned again, "Oh please ma'am, don't trouble yerself on my behalf." after a moment though he held up his hands as if at gunpoint and spoke "But if you insist i suppose i can let it go just this once. I'm turnin round." and with that he did turn around, and would wait for her to ok it before turning again. while his back was to her he spoke again, "I mean it by the way, you looked much happier there than you did at the tavern ma'am." he paused for a moment. He just couldn't let a genuine sentiment stand on its own, "Much better choice in clothes too, if i do say so myself. Really matches your eyes and all. you should wear that more often."

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

She peaked over the rock to make sure he was turned around. She darted, grabbed her clothes and such, and went for cover again. She muttered French naughty words in response to his continuous talking. He sure did like to hear the sound of his own voice, she thought as she fixed any loose ties or buttons that needed fixing.

Now to plan a dignified exit. The last thing she wanted to do was to encourage him. "It is of no consequence," she said once she was righted, "It doesn't matter. I'll be on my way now so you might enjoy the beach now," she said and started for the path like a skittish foal.

Problem was, he was much too good looking for HER own good, and she was not about to inflate that ego of his by making that known to him.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

"Of no consequence? I can think of several consequences of showing somethin that good lookin." she she talked about leaving he turned around fully "Aww c'mon, theres enough beach for the both of us. no need to run off." he took a few steps, not blocking her path but moving near where she would walk so he could talk to her more easily. "OK, OK look. I'm sorry...well i'm not sorry that i saw...but i'm sorry i saw without your permission? and if it'll make us even..." he made a show of removing his hat and holding it over his heart. "then i'll strip down too." with his hat off its shadow was no longer over his face, showing that unlike the other day he was clean and shaved, his hair was even combed, though it still sat in lazy curls. "Its only fair after all...do you want my boots left on or off?"

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

"I shouldn't have come here alone in the first place," she said, as if that made it any better. She pishawed when he moved to block her path. She schooled her expression to something cool and aloof to what he was trying to do. "I should be going anyway. I'm supposed to be learning the lay of the land, not lollygagging at the seashore. Now... have a good day, Monsieur," she said, lifting her chin and then attempting again to skirt around him. She managed, just barely, and marched on up the hill. The smell of damask rose wafted gently in her wake along with the lingering scent of a slight musk from her sweat. Indeed, he hadn't had permission. It was only a convenient excuse that she could tell him he shouldn't have looked at her in her underthings, it was the fact that he saw her dancing that caused her to dart.

Nobody was supposed to know or see. That was the most private and intimate thing he could have walked into, and she could feel herself panicking as she made haste to try and put distance between them. She had a feeling that he would follow, however. He was a persistent fellow.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

"ey hold on now." the smell of the perfume was nice, and he watched her march by amused. she was pretty cute when she was giving the cold shoulder. Sam whipped his has back onto his head and just as she thought, did follow her. "if you shouldn't have come here alone then don't that mean you shouldn't wander the town alone either?" he really was concerned about her, if only he could say it in a mature and dignified way...So Sam would try to walk beside her as he spoke again, "besides that, how can i have a good day without you in it, hmm?" He continued to smile at her, "and if i don't have a good day i'd be going against your wishes, and that would make me feel just awful." Sam kept pace with her walking just behind and to her right while he waited for an answer.

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