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[Complete] [CW] A fishy business
Posting Freak

1,086 Post
14 Threads

Age: 51
Occupation: Fisherman
Height: 5'8''
Registered: Jul 2019

"This is about his attitude. His disobedience. His showing up midday." And then Simon tossed the money at him. Again... Simon was heading straight towards his own undoing, both in this life, and in the next.

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

"You think doing this is helping? Will breaking him help and turn him suddenly into someone else? Or will it drive him to drinking more and wanting to avoid home more?" Then there was the money, he stared wide eyed then looked at Simon. He knew how he probably got the money but he was never going to reveal that. "I don't want to know. I don't arrest people on strange circumstances. That's what makes me fair, isn't it Ben?" He looked at the man, hoping to God he would go easy on Simon, maybe even himself since he kept poking the tiger. "Please.. I don't know what's going on but I really never see this sort of thing working."

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

Simon slowly crawled up.

"Eh, I'd stay out, Mr. Crane. No offence. T' lad had it comin'" One of the fishermen called. Simon recognized him as Mr. Shaw, from their yard.
Posting Freak

1,086 Post
14 Threads

Age: 51
Occupation: Fisherman
Height: 5'8''
Registered: Jul 2019

Ben's heart was beating faster than it could handle. He took a few deep breaths. "Elijah. I appreciate your concern, but you ain't go kids of your own." He turned to Simon and pointed at him. "You will pick up this money. And you will go to school and get William and send him here to help. And you better hurry, because if he is not here before the tide changes, you will be in more trouble. Then I want you to go to church, toss that money in the offertory, because we won't touch it. And you stay there and your knees and pray. You'll be home at five, exactly. If I find you kept any of that money, or that you've been wandering about, you will regret it."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Things were going out of control. He became concerned when he saw Ben in distress. "I know I shouldn't put my nose in , but they are family to me. I can't let things.. keep going in this cycle. I am afraid.. it will end badly." He spoke quieter. "Are you alright Ben?"

He looked to Simon. He hoped he could hurry and catch up to tell him he didn't have to do that. It was his money rightfully.. if it was legally received.

768 Posts
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Registered: Jun 2019

Simon looked miserable, but he knelt to gather the money, glared at his father and then ran off.
Posting Freak

1,086 Post
14 Threads

Age: 51
Occupation: Fisherman
Height: 5'8''
Registered: Jul 2019

Ben watched him go. "Of course I'm not alright," he said, lowering his voice. "I have a family to run, bread to earn, and my son is a street thug. Don't you judge me, Elijah. I'm doing it for his own good."

And also because he was just sick of Simon's drama. Mostly that.

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah frowned at Ben. "I am not judging you. I am trying to help! I am really afraid of something bad happening. You are both so set in your ways it is frustrating and I am afraid for the family. I.. I'll talk to you later. "He turned to take off after Simon.
Posting Freak

1,086 Post
14 Threads

Age: 51
Occupation: Fisherman
Height: 5'8''
Registered: Jul 2019

Ben watched him go. Then he sat back down. Mr. Shaw offered him some tobacco.

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

Simon, meanwhile was running towards the schoolhouse, with half a mind to go home, find the money he had saved up, go to Zech and beg for more and leave this very day.

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