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[Complete] Mother Some More [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Cpl John Blacke 133765

115 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022

John had finally gotten settled and had moved his stuff to his room. His uniform hung on the back of the door freshly washed and ready for his return to the barracks in a couple of days.

He had gotten up and went downstairs and was taking the lid off a bottle of pop he had bought from the shop when he heard his mother's voice chatting away.

He walked in at the tail end of the conversation and heard his father had been arrested at the red lion. He took a swig from his bottle and said nothing
Senior Member

350 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 48
Occupation: Wife
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: Feb 2021

Kathleen O'Connor had that perential gift of the Irish, the love of a good chat, so was apparently only to happy to share this bad news. Lottie's hands made large and calloused from a tough upbringing and years of mother crunched themselves into fists.

"Well, at least he's not dead. Thank you fer tellin' me Kathleen, I'll go find him." Lottie closed the door and her eyes as she rested her head on the wood of the door. Why? Turning about she saw John at the foot of the stairs sipping from a bottle.

"John Blacke, unless ye've just won a King's Commission, don't say nowt, or I shove my roller right up your Hindu Kush." Her comment was colourful certainly, but she stormed back into the kitchen come front room to find her shawl. What had she done with it?

"Jesus Feckin' Christ!" Lottie stamped her foot, her temper boiling like a kettle on heat "What is wrong with the men in this family? Hav ye all got no brains!" She shouted at John, the nearest member of the male species with the last name of Blacke.
Cpl John Blacke 133765

115 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022

John tilted his head and laughed "it would appear not mother" he signed "im guessing we will be due a visit from the Constabulary then......Best if I keep out the way. Dont want that old police sargeant knowing I'm back in the area. He will make da's life worse"
Senior Member

350 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 48
Occupation: Wife
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: Feb 2021

"Their not comin' 'ere. I'm goin' ta see them." Lottie answered, snatching her shawl. "Look after the girls while I'm away... if ye can." Lottie ordered, doubting the general competency of men. "Ye'll 'ave ta salvage stew ta feed them," she said as a parting word. The front door banged. Lottie could have sworn 3 or more front curtains in Osway Street moved. Charlotte Blacke was coming...
Constabulary Sergeant

73 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 38
Occupation: Police Sergeant
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 6ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: May 2022

Alasdair was on duty for the 8th day in a row and had not long left to go on his shift but still had one job left to do. It had been a long day. Jamie had been the one who picked Bill up that day and had signed im into the cells.

Alasdair had been in the station when Jamie and arrived and had given him the low down. Jamie was finishing earlier than alasdair as he has started an hour earlier.

The new tunics and trousers had arrived. The insignia sewn on and for once the full force looked respectable and alasdair felt it as he walked down the street towards Osway St with his tunic shining bright in the fading light. Alasdair turned the corner onto the street
Senior Member

350 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 48
Occupation: Wife
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: Feb 2021

The dark woolen uniform, bright stripes, and domed helmet, Lottie recognised it as a policeman turning the corner to Osway Street. Lottie slowed her steps to meet the official

"'ave ye come about my Bill, Officer? I was just on my way down."
Constabulary Sergeant

73 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 38
Occupation: Police Sergeant
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 6ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: May 2022

Alasdairs thumb slipped into the top of his belt and he stepped back when the woman spoke "you must be mrs Blacke" he nodded "indeed I have. I was hoping to speak to you before the back alley gossip got there but obviously I was beaten to it"

He thought for a moment and then continued to speak. "He was caught in an altercation between himself and a Mr Angus Macleod. Not sure if that name means anything to you?"
Senior Member

350 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 48
Occupation: Wife
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: Feb 2021

"Angus McCloed." Lottie answered whistfully. The name was ringing a bell quietly, as if tolling in a fog. "Means somethin'.. I shall 'ave to ask me 'usband ta be sure. Do ye know if he's fit ta chat or full to the brim with Best?"
Constabulary Sergeant

73 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 38
Occupation: Police Sergeant
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 6ft
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: May 2022

Alasdair laughed "he's had a few to drink Mrs blacke, best let him sleep it off and he will be home in the morning to get washed and changed before his shift"
Senior Member

350 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 48
Occupation: Wife
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: Feb 2021

"Alright then, let 'im sleep it off." She said, annoyance colouring her words. Justice would only be delayed, not denied. William Blacke would face the sternest judge in the land tomorrow: his wife...

..God help him.

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