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The Plot

141 Posts
28 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Thread Bomber & Admin
Registered: Jun 2019

Welcome to Whitby - vacation town for many a famous novelist, poet, artist, politician … and more than a few pirates, too! On a coast littered with smugglers’ alcoves and daily shipwrecks, there is no shortage of mayhem in this well-known seaside town. As one of the earlier trainlines in England, the Scarborough and Whitby Railway brings many an outsider in.

It is November, 1895*. Rumor has spread far and wide about bars of solid gold and other riches washing ashore. Was it a shipment for Her Majesty? Smugglers from beyond? What the residents, travelers, and sailors alike know is this: whatever is found is theirs for the taking.

Whether our narrators be average townspersons, hard-on-their-luck hopefuls, adventure seekers, or travelers just passing on through, there is a place to tell their stories here.

Join us, take a look at our [character creation guide], and take a look at our current [plotting opportunities].

[* Since roleplay plots tend to develop slower than real life, By Wit & Whitby’s calendar does not follow OOC month and day, but moves slower (typically one Whitby month lasts two OOC months, with exceptions for events or other circumstances). Our months function as a rough indication of time, but you are allowed to play threads that are set earlier.]

Messages In This Thread
The Plot - by Somniac - 07-01-2019, 12:13 PM
RE: The Plot - by Somniac - 01-15-2020, 12:51 PM

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