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[Complete] [CW] What weighs more, a pound of leaves or a pound of logs? [Streets, Yards, and Homes]

139 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He/His
Age: 26
Occupation: Handyman
Registered: Jul 2019

It was odd being in a house with so many rooms, but after he was sure he had been in everyone at least three times he hovered by the stairs. It felt wrong going up there, but it felt silly circling the rooms down stairs once more. Slowly he creeped his way up and towards the closed doors. Perhaps that’s where he would find the butler? Claude lightly knocked and waiting. The whole time eyeing the stairs in hope. He really didn’t want to be yelled at.

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RE: What weighs more, a pound of leaves or a pound of logs? - by Claude Longbottom - 08-06-2019, 10:17 AM

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