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[Complete] An Invitation [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Junior Member

7 Posts
1 Thread

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 18
Occupation: servant
Height: Five foot
Registered: Oct 2019

Sundays were Kestrel's least favorite days. Her father was always in a right horrible mood behind closed doors. Ranting in his quiet voice about how people were bound to end up in hell. Not men like him of course but women like Kestrel and everyone else. At the moment he was quiet though, reading the bible as he did while Kestrel prepared something for him to eat for midday. It was a simple meal but it was more than Kes herself would get. 

The knock on the door came as a bit of a surprise to them both and they glanced up. Kes was wiping her hands on her apron even as her father's gaze cut to her. A glare that said she'd been perhaps, a bit too slow. She apologized softly and turned to head toward the door. The home they lived in was small, which suited Cornelius' desire for humility. Kes smiled at Rose and stepped back slightly, allowing her entrance into the home.  Her father was all smiles as he rose to his feet to greet her.

Messages In This Thread
RE: An Invitation - by Kestrel Llewellyn - 10-23-2019, 04:36 PM
RE: An Invitation - by Rose Willaby - 10-25-2019, 10:55 AM

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