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[Open] [CW] Kill Me

141 Posts
28 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Thread Bomber & Admin
Registered: Jun 2019

The Victim: Fanny Cockburn
The Psyche: I’d like to have a high chance of her meeting an untimely death to make her narrative one that has us on edge ‘til her fateful end.
The Days Numbered: My random roll says 26, leaning on the sudden death end.
The Methods: I’m fine with a sudden, unexpected death for her, but also keen on various close calls. I prefer this death to be a surprise, but am open to discussing it.

The Weapons:
I’ll entertain most deaths. The more disastrous, the better. My favorites tend to be long schemes that may or may not ever see fruition, or lolpianos-type random disasters. I can muster one or two serial killer characters at a time, though they’ll be in a slower lane reply-wise.
The Compunctions: I would rather not have too many plots going that target minorities (LGBT characters, PoC characters, disabled characters, people who make up less than 50% of the population, etc.) for death. Should you wish to approach me for the death of a character who falls into that category, I will consider it under one condition: you have two characters of the same demographic who do not get targeted in this way.
The Plot: I desperately need to update my plotter. For now, ping me relentlessly for murder updates.

Messages In This Thread
Kill Me - by Somniac - 10-07-2019, 09:41 PM
RE: Kill Me - by Somniac - 10-22-2019, 02:58 PM

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