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[Complete] [CW] Answering Questions Only For More[Hotels, Pubs, and Accommodations]
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761 Posts
12 Threads

Age: 31
Occupation: Physician
Height: 6'1''
Registered: Nov 2020

Tristan was surprised to see the girl who spoke up, for girl she was. Certainly no older than Pippa herself. He had considered it of course, but to see this young person who had followed her friend across the ocean and managed to track her down was still a shock. His amazement only grew when she spoke and invited him to sit down so elegantly and self-possessed. At her age he had been shy, self-absorbed, and rather lacking in common sense.

He sat down. "Madam," he greeted with a nod, when the girl introduced her companion and he turned back to Miss Zimmerman, but just then their order was taken. "A tea please," he added and he turned to the girl again. "You are very kind, Miss, but I'm afraid I've just had my dinner. Please do have yours."

It was a lie. He hadn't eaten since this morning. Pippa had been too ill to prepare anything and he had been too distracted even to grab something simple. He was starting to feel hungry now, but he did not want to feel indebted to the young lady. He didn't know yet what she wanted.

"I'm Dr. Wells, I must say I..." his eyes fell on the newspaper article, the familiar face in the picture drawing his attention. His face froze. He glanced at the headline. "My God..." he whispered. Then he remembered his companions and turned his eyes up to Miss Zimmermann. "Apologies. I didn't know..." how much of Pippa had told him was true... "that he was caught," he had to good sense to finish. This was gonna be messy.

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RE: Answering Questions Only For More - by Tristan Wells - 08-17-2024, 07:38 AM

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