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[Complete] [CW] I can't help falling in love with you [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Junior Member

31 Posts
2 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Fisherman's wife
Registered: Oct 2019

Maggie was just as disgusted by vomit as the doctor. She was also a great deal poorer with a third mouth to feed on the way. And so she set to work fast.

As she came up with a bucket of hot water and soap, she caught a glimpse of the doctor helping the maid down. What was going on here? What kind of employer… hang on, was the maid actually pregnant?!

Oh the low life, the dirty bastard, sleeping with the maid...

But she was also rather pleased to be the first in the yard to know. Maggie had promised Dr. Wells that she was discrete. Unfortunately, there were very few pleasures in Maggie’s life beside gossip. By tonight, everyone in the yard would know; tomorrow the Cragg and other yards and ghauts.

As she mopped and scrubbed, she distracted herself from the disgusting mess by considering the disgusting mess downstairs. How outrageous. Rose no longer seemed particularly happy in her marriage, but at least her little sister was out of service. Maggie thanked God for that. Bachelors were the worst, too. She wondered if the poor girl downstairs had been pressured into it. Perhaps she loved him, or thought she did. To his credit, if any credit was to be had after his messing around, Dr. Wells hadn’t yet thrown the girl out. He seemed rather concerned. Was he actually in love with her?

That line of thought opened a new well of excitement to forget her own sufferings. They were unlikely lovers. He was going to marry her, a poor girl, and raise her to the respectable status of a doctor’s wife, living a life of comfort she had never known! Rules of class and propriety had been thrown out of the window, so strong was their love! Where was the doctor from? Some warm and beautiful African shore, surely, nothing like cold, damp Whitby with frozen water that bit and bruised your legs as you sought for bait and chilly drafts that found coming every crack in the wall. He would take her home to that warm place, where he was actually a prince and they’d live in great wealth and see many foreign lands where it was always hot and food was bountiful, but nobody drank and the work was light. Well, they’d have servants to do the work anyway. And so they would never be tired or angry and they would only grow in their love.

She still delighted in the fantasy as she came down the stairs with a bucket with dirty water and dirty cloths. Just then, the maid came running up, physically upset.

Or maybe he was just another employer abusing his power to fuck the maid…

She was a few steps down the second flight of stairs when she heard some scraping followed by a thud. That sounded like a fall. Maggie hesitated, then continued on her way down. She didn’t want to get involved in this mess, thank you.

She lingered on the lower steps, however, so that she’d be able to hear what would happen next.

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RE: I can't help falling in love with you - by Maggie Colley - 08-04-2024, 09:06 AM

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