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[Complete] [CW] I can't help falling in love with you [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Senior Member

360 Posts
10 Threads

Pronouns: She, her
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Sep 2020

She seemed to sigh in what sounded like frustration, though it was easy enough to tell it wasn't from him asking, but rather trying to answer. Her eyes opened and she looked at the ceiling, seemed to be doing the math and the gears were a bit rusty at the moment as the turned in her head. Then she looked at him, "My mind? Perhaps before I was with the fisherman. Moreso in the last week or so.... My body.... Several days, I... Don't remember my days right now," she choked out and started to cry a little, but then mushed her fingers over the tears to swipe at them.

"Please don't make me give my baby away, I can't bear losing someone else that I love." She looked at him with such raw emotion as to be palpable, she had truly found some joy in her situation somehow even as grim as reality was. This was the most sincere emotion she had ever let him see from her, showing she did trust him, that she really was frightened and going through all sorts of turmoil inside.

"Dr. Wells, I just want him to leave me alone and stop tormenting me. I see him every day now, looming over me, taunting me about what he did, bragging about the suffering. He took everything and everyone from me. Why can't he just let me be?" And then she sort of rolled so he could no longer see her face for the glimpse of shame he might see, but there was no way he would miss it, it was etched in every aspect of her face before she hid it.

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RE: I can't help falling in love with you - by Philippa Danes - 07-30-2024, 12:56 PM

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