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[Complete] [CW] I can't help falling in love with you [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Senior Member

360 Posts
10 Threads

Pronouns: She, her
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Sep 2020

<Cw> Nudity

She stood at the window of her room, now devoid of the things she had gathered in the time she had spent living with the doctor. Her things were neatly tucked into a trunk at the ready for her to leave. It was sad but good in a way. She had calmed greatly since her Russian lover had set sail possibly never to be seen again. She had accepted her fate. Her hand moved to touch the swell of her belly - she was in her underwear so she was not quite hanging out the window so others could see her delicates, mind you... She had stopped bothering with the corset for the time being.

The trauma of losing her family would forever be a part of her but she had to find a way to get better for the sake of the very little one who fluttered restlessly enough to cause her to feel discomfort. It was still early enough in the morning that she had time to think, the idea of getting dressed was simply exhausting.

She sighed softly and padded over to the mirror, pulling off the shift so she stood only in her knickers and stockings, looking at herself and the now noticable swell. She might not be happy with the hand she helped to deal to herself, but she couldn't help but stare in wonder at the way she was starting to fill out. Her tender breasts were heavier than they had been, her face was starting to fill out too and she was glowing in a way she had never noticed before.

The babe might not have asked to exist, but she loved him or her beyond something fathonable. Her eyes traced each new definition to her body; wider hips, heavier breasts, shinier hair, and other subtle changes she was starting to notice over time. She thought about lying back down, but she did not know if Tristan would be alright with her taking the extra day off considering there was a tight ship to run. She was starting to clean to the point of near perfection, spending more time noticing the things around the house that needed attention. She made it a point to stay out of the study, she did not wish to cause another fight between the two of them...

It was then that she heard a knock on her door... It sounded dainty, like that of a feminine hand, and it was a familiar rap. She pulled her dressing gown over herself and cinched it tightly under her breasts. She then moved to the door and peeked out.

Penny smiled at her softly, having grown fond of the young woman. She said, "I thought I would come check on you... You have been hiding a bit more, darling, are you alright?"

Pippa gave a wan smile and said, "I am just a bit tired. I feel as though I need sleep a lot more."

"Perhaps you should let Tristan take a look at you. You look radiant but you also look a bit strained. Have you been eating alright? Would you like for me to spoil you for once, dear? You do so much for Tristan and me..."

Pippa blinked in surprise and backed into the room with the door in tow, inviting her friend into her room and watching the other woman enter the room and glance about with a frown when she noticed that most of Pippa's belongings were tucked away in the trunk that sat open for the time being.

"Are you leaving, Pippa?"

"It's for the best as I am sure you understand. I'm a ruined woman unless I marry someone before the baby comes. I cannot be here to bring scandal on Dr. Wells' head." Pippa moved to sit down on the end of her bed, grabbing for the brush that she had sitting on the bed while she was getting ready for the day.

"But you cannot go out there on your own, can you? I know you've already done as much by coming here to Whitby. Pippa, I worry about you, don't you know that?" Penny moved to her and took the brush, gesturing for Pippa to move further back onto the bed so she could move behind her and start brushing her friend's hair.

Pippa closed her eyes and relaxed into the soft movement of the brush, her sigh was a nice, comfortable one.

"That's it, dear, just relax for now. Would you like me to braid your hair and pin it up for you too? I wouldn't mind." Pippa gave a nod and a murmur that sounded like an affirmative... After several minutes of silent hair brushing, Penny soon put Pippa's hair up in a charming braided coif, allowing for the air to touch her friend's neck.

Pippa soon started to doze. Penny helped her out, moved to tuck her in and then, once she knew her friend was sound asleep, she crept out of the room and headed off to find her brother...

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I can't help falling in love with you [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - by Philippa Danes - 06-12-2024, 07:56 PM

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