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Softly You Whisper, You're So Sincere...
Senior Member

353 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Aug 2020

She gave a light smile. She reached over to touch his hand. "It's been a time since we've been alone together too for more than our nights. I love you and you've been so busy so I worry that you do so much. But I am glad I get to see you no matter how much time we get." She moved to pull off her gown to strip to her underthings, fully intent on taking advantage of the sea even if it was cold. It had been some time since she swam. For the moment, though, she would lay on her side on the blanket and gaze at him with loving eyes.

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RE: Softly You Whisper, You're So Sincere... - by Claire North - 09-10-2023, 02:53 PM

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