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[Open] Chapter 1, the book of Lysander
Artistic Aristocrat

591 Posts
8 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 26
Occupation: Artist
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

Darius was slightly startled when the man started to approach him. Was he mad at the staring? Did he know him? Or his family? Was he going to rob him? Maybe Darius should have rolled in the mud so he'd fit in better. He relaxed though when the man didn't bring out a weapon and simply asked him a question. There was an accent, it was too faint to pinpoint, not that he probably could anyway.

"Oh? Inn.. um.. sorry. I'm not sure what.. is... "He squinted a bit as he looked at the other man. Was he poor? Or Doctor Poor? "I .. haven't used any inns in town." Already he was hating talking. What an odd question. He looked around wishing he could find his sister or even that useless lawyer. Either probably had an answer. "Um.. I passed a few inns on the way here. Maybe one of them fits your expectations?" It was all he could offer, and he now wanted to go home more than ever.

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RE: Chapter 1, the book of Lysander - by Darius Carrington - 08-05-2023, 04:58 PM

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