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A Classic Game of Cat and Mouse

135 Posts
10 Threads

Pronouns: She, her
Age: 20
Occupation: Companion
Height: 5'2"
Registered: Jun 2020

While he wrote, she said, "He is a widower and he is ancient, as you can see. His grief led him to become the eccentric that he is." She paused and smiled as he finished his name. "He has no children to speak of, as his wife had died in child birth. He's vulnerable and needs a lawyer that is trustworthy, and he will pay handsomely for your time according to Constance. He is trying to leave a good deal of his wealth to various charitable institutions to help children in various ways. His nephew is a greedy little crook, I know this for a fact since he seemed eager to make my acquaintance when I was companion."

She placed her hand upon his arm, and she said, "The waltz isn't for a while yet, and I am not ready yet to dance." She led him to the terrace, a place she was actually rather fond of. Assuming he came along with her, she would stop at the edge of the stone paved area before it turned into a path leading into a rather lovely garden, a tribute to the woman who forever kept his heart if the statue of a woman with her child standing firmly beneath an arch of climbing roses. Depending on the time of the year, they were a sight to behold.

Her eyes went a bit distant and she began to tell him all that she knew to be true, "I've asked discreetly and most people I've talked to have said that if his nephew gets a hold of as much money as he has, he would squander it away against his wishes. I think it would be to your benefit to defend his wishes, Nate," she murmured, "I was hoping you would take the opportunity to simply observe for yourself. I am sorry that I didn't tell you before but there wasn't time. Besides, this is a condition of the will for me to play along as well. I have to respect her wishes and helping him would make me happy anyhow."

Messages In This Thread
A Classic Game of Cat and Mouse - by Amelia Mason - 07-04-2023, 03:23 PM
RE: A Classic Game of Cat and Mouse - by Amelia Mason - 07-22-2023, 05:52 PM

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