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A Classic Game of Cat and Mouse

135 Posts
10 Threads

Pronouns: She, her
Age: 20
Occupation: Companion
Height: 5'2"
Registered: Jun 2020

She saw his face fall and cringed just before the sound of a very nasaly voice. Constance had told her about this man. He was rather eccentric but he was very rich. It wasn't about the ghosts for Amelia, it was about the old man who needed a man he could trust. She was slightly hurt but bit her tongue, sort of losing a little luster as she introduced the men. "Mister Nate Appleton, let me introduce you to Miles Johnson." She hoped the name might jolt some interest in her bridegroom. "He is Constance's oldest friend, and this is his abode. Mister Johnson, may I introduce my fiance, Mister Nate Appleton?" She swept her arm in a grand gesture to show him the house that was filled from floor to ceiling with opulence. She'd not even look to see if it'd dawn on him why he was actually there.

"Sometimes," she said softly to Nate after they were headed inward and the greetings had been made, "You have to play their games to win the best prizes. I know this is an odd thing I am asking you to... participate in... But let me tell you about the old man." She lifted her palm and offered the pencil, "Write your name in for the waltz and then I won't let anyone but you claim the next dance. Take your time," she softly instructed so he could write his name in for the number that was designated a waltz.

Messages In This Thread
A Classic Game of Cat and Mouse - by Amelia Mason - 07-04-2023, 03:23 PM
RE: A Classic Game of Cat and Mouse - by Amelia Mason - 07-10-2023, 05:05 PM

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