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A Classic Game of Cat and Mouse

109 Posts
2 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 33
Occupation: Lawyer
Height: 6 feet
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: May 2021

Nate was no stranger to parties, but invitations to them had been scarce since leaving London, the center of the social universe. So, informed that his intended bride had been invited and needed a chaperone, Nate volunteered. Naturally. His evening wear was a few seasons out of date, but he had aired it and brushed it off.

The servants let him in with their previous formality, but was there a raised eyebrow or the remenants of a crushed smirk. Nate ignored the servants. They had their own minds, they could think what they liked. Indeed, they just left him to loiter at the bottom of the stairs. His shoes made distinct noises as he paced across the floor. He did not much care for the ancient ancestors staring down at him from the walls, so he ignored them too. A creak on the stairs, and Nate looked up. He hoped it was Amelia and he was not disappointed. At all.

"My God!" He breathed softly. If she heard his oath, so much the better.

Last time an angel had decended, but tonight she was replaced by a totally different creature. A gorgeous accolyte of Satan, wrapped in a fiery fabric that both consumed her form but also acsentuated plenty of it on show for Nate to enjoy. His eyes were wide and his mouth was suddenly wet. There was that sudden pulse again from his loins, his little lawyer madly filing his briefs. To hell with this party. Yes, she looked utterly fallen, but that made him want her all the more. Tease.

Messages In This Thread
A Classic Game of Cat and Mouse - by Amelia Mason - 07-04-2023, 03:23 PM
RE: A Classic Game of Cat and Mouse - by Nate Appleton - 07-04-2023, 04:46 PM

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