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The Journal of HC for Pearl
Junior Member

28 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 39
Occupation: Author
Height: 5'7"
Registered: Feb 2023

Quote:February 27, 1878

My dearest child,

I am sure by the time this is read by you, you'll not be able to read this page because of the tears. I weep for you because I cannot hold you in my arms and rock you. Your nurse has kindly written me about you, to tell me that you are sick but not in the way I have always been. Your family got hit with a fever and you almost didn't make it, but I am so glad to know you are just fine now. I wish you knew that I would have taken you away if I was allowed. Your father resists my attempts at contact, I am not allowed to write letters to you or show my face in that ugly house again.

I hate that his wife gets to pretend she is your mother. It's clear by accounts from those who know me, that she isn't caring unless her peers are there to see what a "loving" parent she is. I want to be your mother so badly it hurts and Magnus keeps me away. Every pence he sends me goes into the bank unless I need it to survive, and even then, I only take as much as I need and not a cent more. By the time you are old enough to inherit, regardless of my state of being, you will be wealthy. Your father sends me 50 pounds every two weeks right now. And once I am able to work again, to be on my feet, my own money will be added.

I am going to be an author and write novels too. You won't know it's me until I reveal myself to you one day. Hopefully, that day will come hastily. I cannot wait to see your beautiful face.

My Undying Love to You,
(Name Redacted)

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RE: The Journal of HC for Pearl - by Hortencia Coggins - 06-17-2023, 02:43 PM

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