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[Complete] The Tangled Web [Market, Shops, and Spas]
Senior Member

389 Posts
17 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

She started, so lost in her thoughts was she. It had been decided in her heart that she would never admit her feelings to Edward, that he would never be more than her friend. She had to close her heart to the possibilities her mind had whipped up in the time it took for her to get to know the man. Ruth was tired already of the way her heart hurt and for her own mistakes in that regard. If she had taken the time to get to know Angus, he would never have given her Jacob. That was the one and only thing she did not regret, for she loved her son so dearly that anyone could see it radiating in her eyes whenever she gazed upon his chubby face and his eyes that would certainly gain laugh lines early in life for how happy he seemed. She could no longer accept a world without her son and would protect him with every fiber of her being without trying to be overbearing. So far, he had a whole village of people who also loved him, people who took her in and gave her something productive to do.

But I digress back to the present moment. Ruth saw an attractive lass before her who spoke with a brogue. She could appreciate a good brogue from anyone. "Oh," said the darker haired lass. "Ah, I am sorry. Ye caught me woolgatherin', but I am indeed lookin' fer somethin'. I gave birth to me son some months ago and now me figure is back ta where I am confident I can buy meself a new frock or two, or the fabric ta make them meself." She had a peculiar way of speaking, it was clear that she came from where the rest of the Blackes came from, but that she also spoke in a highly intellectual way as well, perhaps not expected of someone like her but certainly not a singular instance since people had their intelligence in their own way.

"I can't be buyin' anythin' too fancy, ye ken, but I would love ta dress meself in somethin' that at least fits. A blouse and a skirt, perhaps, would be lovely fer Sundays, and then somethin' ta wear on the days I don't work, perhaps a plain day dress will do? If ye'd point me in the right direction fer those things, I'd be much obliged, ma'am."

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Tangled Web - by Mary Prior - 03-06-2023, 03:42 PM
RE: The Tangled Web - by Ruth Blacke - 03-06-2023, 05:01 PM
RE: The Tangled Web - by Mary Prior - 03-06-2023, 08:24 PM
RE: The Tangled Web - by Ruth Blacke - 03-13-2023, 08:09 PM

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