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[Complete] A slight shift on the axis [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Senior Member

389 Posts
17 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

"Me family is under scrutiny by all o' Whitby now, sir..." she said, the words tasting foul in her mouth. She sighed, then took a deep breath to talk but then let it out in a second sigh. "Me brother married a Carrington on a whim, me other brother is about ta do the same with someone none o' us met too, I did so and then... If I could tell ye what I feel now and that vile man who wrote that article were ta find out, I would die from shame and take me family with me." Then she dropped her eyes once more and swallowed heavily.

"I fear if I don't go, me own heart'll get me inta more trouble than ye can comprehend. I've no business feeling the way I do. If I don't go, everyone'll see soon enough and there will be ears and eyes where there ought not be. Shame is already on me head for elopin' with Angus and he pretends ta want me back but really wants me boy. I couldn't bear it if me own shame was reaped upon ye and yer family, yer staff too. Ye've all treated me so kindly despite the things ye know about me."

She finally gazed back up with true grief in her eyes over her feelings. It took her a moment to work up the nerve to speak the next words, "Especially ye... Ye trusted me with yer grief... Ye trusted me with yer burden. I don't wish ta add to that."

Messages In This Thread
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 06-18-2022, 09:45 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 06-19-2022, 09:27 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 06-21-2022, 01:00 AM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 06-27-2022, 03:33 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 07-18-2022, 07:09 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 01-29-2023, 05:24 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 01-31-2023, 05:23 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 02-05-2023, 05:23 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 02-05-2023, 10:47 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 02-05-2023, 11:53 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 02-10-2023, 07:01 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 02-18-2023, 06:38 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 02-20-2023, 11:30 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 02-25-2023, 05:09 AM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 02-26-2023, 01:56 AM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 02-26-2023, 08:35 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 03-01-2023, 01:14 AM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 03-01-2023, 09:25 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 03-06-2023, 03:57 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 03-13-2023, 07:56 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 06-16-2023, 10:40 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 06-20-2023, 01:28 AM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 06-25-2023, 03:21 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 06-25-2023, 05:01 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 06-25-2023, 06:11 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 06-25-2023, 07:55 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 07-05-2023, 04:18 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 07-05-2023, 08:07 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 07-12-2023, 06:54 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 07-15-2023, 12:54 AM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 07-22-2023, 04:13 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 07-27-2023, 07:47 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 07-31-2023, 07:17 PM
RE: A slight shift on the axis - by Ruth Blacke - 12-28-2023, 10:06 PM

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