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[Complete] Looking For the Prodigal Son [Streets, Yards, and Homes]

58 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: He, Him
Age: 54
Occupation: Merchant
Height: 5'8"
Registered: Feb 2021

CW - References to struggles of alcoholism

"You are aware that I am a retired Merchant, yes? That I didn't even have two pence to rub against each other? My family is no more blueblooded than yours. I just happened to get lucky in how my business grew and made investments." He had tried not to pour himself a glass... One would not hurt, would it? His hand started to shake and the man before him seemed to grow two heads, then split from himself as beads of sweat started to form upon Magnus' forehead. Just one... He sloshed a little on his hand as he poured the Brandy. The man did not look well at all.

"Pearl was the only one of my children who doesn't care so much about money. I wanted her to marry for love..." Then he scoffed, "all of my children. I wanted better for them than my own sham of a marriage. I tried many times to remind my brood that the money isn't for enjoyment as much as it is for being alive. If you've met any of my other children, you would see that they are greedy and snooty individuals. Darius, perhaps not as much... I am not sure about that one... But the triplets, and my oldest boy who just got shot and killed and we just buried because he was a monster? And my daughters?"

To his credit, he didn't start weeping. Perhaps it was because he wasn't drunk.

"I saw something in your boy that I wanted for Pearl, the love in his eyes. Poppycock to society if they think it's wrong to love someone."

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RE: Looking For the Prodigal Son - by Magnus Carrington III - 02-08-2023, 02:16 PM

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