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[Complete] Looking For the Prodigal Son [Streets, Yards, and Homes]

201 Posts
7 Threads

Age: 48
Occupation: Railway Fireman
Height: 5'8''
Registered: Feb 2021

It was a gentleman who came out to meet him, followed by a very peevish looking groundskeeper. Oh God, was this Mr. Carrington himself! Bill felt no small degree of shame for what his son had done to the man's daughter. In fact, he was a little worried the man might try to harm him. He knew that if he was in Mr. Carrington's position, he'd be livid.

Bill was livid. But also concerned.

"Sir, my own son is also an idiot. We had no idea what he was up to, believe me, or we would have stopped it. But you must not harm them... It was a Carrington carriage that took Miss Pearl, and it was here that Joe was headed. I do not wish to get involved into your family affairs, but I know Joe is here."

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RE: Looking For the Prodigal Son - by William Blacke - 02-06-2023, 08:44 PM

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