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[Complete] I'll Just Be Taking This, Thanks [Churches, Abbey, and Schools]

479 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: he him
Age: 25
Occupation: none
Height: 6'
Registered: Sep 2019

Francis shrugged and smiled. "Alright. Long as I can get a meal and I bed, I need nothing else. I'm sure if I can find folks half as generous as you perhaps I can find work and not worry about it. You are the first good thing to happen to me so far." He grinned, though wondered if he should feel bad for lying but decided not to. This guy was getting to feel nice he was helping someone, he probably thought horrible things about Francis. It wasn't like he'd know anyway.

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RE: I'll Just Be Taking This, Thanks - by Francis Tully - 09-23-2019, 07:31 PM

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